rescue remedy vs rebalancing flower essence, A Comparative Guide

Rescue Remedy vs Rebalancing Flower Essence: A Comparative Guide

n the world of flower essences, there are two essences which stand out for their wide benefits and applications: Diamond Age Flower Essence ‘Rebalancing’ and Bach Flower Essence ‘Rescue Remedy’. While both offer profound support in times of emotional upheaval, understanding their distinct properties and optimal uses can help you choose the best essence for your needs.

transcendental mushroom essence

Mushroom Essences. Everything you need to know about Transcendental Mushroom Essences

Transcendental Mushroom Essences act as catalysts of inner balance and harmony. Have as main theme to help us bring in the light of consciousness and transform parts of the self that have been buried in the shadow of the unconscious, our inner pain body and the almost imperceptible way that they affect our way of being. To recognize and connect with the higher expressions of our being, to be able to balance our inner light and darkness, to transcend duality and crystallize our sense of self.