Mushroom Essence for energy cleansing
In the video below, Omprakash (creator of Diamond Age Essences) shares with us the experience, the insights and the healing he received using the Transcendental Mushroom Essence called “Purification”.
In this mushroom essences blog post category you will find useful articles and tips related with the properties of the Transcendental Mushroom Essences. You will find in depth articles about the topics that this mushroom essences bring balance and the way that you can utilize them in your life.
In the video below, Omprakash (creator of Diamond Age Essences) shares with us the experience, the insights and the healing he received using the Transcendental Mushroom Essence called “Purification”.
New Mushroom Essences On The Way! Till now there are 46 Transcendental Mushroom Essences that have gone through the proving process and are being shared with the human family. I have received the guidance that the Transcendental Mushroom Essences will be 64 in total. I have prepared 15 new essences and at the moment they…
Diamond age essences are high frequency essences, activated from the energy of the flowers, mushrooms and butterflies. They do not contain any organic component of their elements, but only their energy. They are activated through sacred ritual, are completely ecological and no flower, mushroom, butterfly and any part of the ecological system was harmed for their creation.
They act as a catalyst of inner balance and harmony. Through their positive energy they touch and activate your inner qualities and inherent potential. In this way you get empowered from within, can overcome any difficulty and live a meaningful, joyful life.
There are 4 ways to choose your essence: 1) Trust your intuition and the universe and use the random picker (check if the essence makes sense to you). 2) Bring awareness to what is happening in your life, identify what kind of support you need and check the categories of the essences in which they provide support. 3) Send a message to our free support center and we will suggest the right essence for you. 4) book a session with Omprakash (founder of diamond age essences ) or with a certified practitioner.