This kit consists of 9 different flower essences which are included in the category self-esteem and action of diamond age flower essences.
The diamond age flower essences which are included in this category are:
Ophrys vernixia – Centering
The diamond age flower essence from ophrys vernixia flower brings us to our center. This diamond age flower essence helps us to be centered, to feel stable, to stand firmly within our being and to remain unaffected by internal and external storms. Using diamond age flower essence ‘’centering’’ in a way it is like moving from the periphery of the cyclone where there is a vortex, to the center of it where is calmness and stability.
This diamond age flower essence gives us the opportunity to get in touch with this deep inner center that is unaffected by anything and always remains calm and peaceful regardless of the situations. Diamond age flower essence ‘’centering’’ helps us to deal with whatever is happening in our lives with stability, to not be distracted by the tendencies that exist in each situation and to keep our sense of self intact.
The diamond age flower essence ‘’centering’’ is particularly useful:
• When we tend to be distracted and loose our center by the situations that are happening in our lives.
• When we easily loose the control of ourselves.
When we have had a childhood in which we didn’t manage to create a stable ground within our being.
When we tend to be easily distracted by external stimuli.
• When we have been shaken by an experience and lost our center.
• When we believe that our peace and tranquility depend on external situations.
• When we are in difficult situations and need to have a stable ground.
• Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to make a deeper connection with our center.
• How would I be if I was deeply centered into my being and unaffected by external situations?
• How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?
• In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?
I am deeply centered into my being and I deal with peace, calmness and stability with everything that happens in my life. Others are calm, trust me, and we all cooperate together in harmony. Life offers me a supportive framework and a solid ground to live in.
Pyrus spinosa – Fresh mood
The diamond age flower essence from pyrus spinosa flower helps us to overcome the frustration and anger we feel when things do not go as we would like to, or when one difficulty comes after another. This diamond age flower essence helps us to refresh our mood, renew our perspective, and respond to life with a fresh approach.
Diamond age flower essence ‘’fresh mood’’ enables us to see things from a broader perspective and to see the impact that our approach has in each situation. This diamond age flower essence helps us to take the responsibility of the outcome of each situation. Diamond age flower essence ‘’fresh mood’’ helps us let go of anger and frustration, to stop throw the responsibility of our life on other people, and to position ourselves in each situation with freshness, clarity, an appropriate point of view and approach that will lead us to the result we want.
The diamond age flower essence ‘’fresh mood’’ is particularly useful:
• When we are easily frustrated and annoyed when things do not go the way we want.
• When we face various up and downs in our lives.
• When we tend to throw the responsibility on others or in life when things do not go the way we want them to go.
• When we lack flexibility in how we deal with the various situations that concern us.
• When we wonder why things go wrong in our lives.
• When we do not know what is the appropriate way to approach a situation.
• When we have lost our hope, vitality and freshness.
• When we believe that the outcome of the situation depends on external factors and that our approach does not matter.
• Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to refresh our mood and our vision and become the conscious cause of the results we want in our lives.
• How would I be if I had taken the responsibility for the outcome of each situation in my life and positioned myself there with freshness, clarity and with an approach that would make me the conscious cause of the results I want in my life?
• How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?
• In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?
I am the conscious cause of the results I want in my life, I am positioned in every situation with freshness, vitality and a right approach. Others are actively involved and help me achieve my goal. Life gives me daily opportunities to grow and connect with her through the right perspective.
Robinia pseudoacacia – Clear path
The diamond age flower essence from robinia pseudoacacia flower helps us to get in tune with our inner space of purity and objectivity. This diamond age flower essence cleanses various hidden obstacles which prevent us from growing and evolving. Diamond age flower essence ‘’clear path’’ helps us to open our way and move on our path with stability and security.
This diamond age flower essence enables us to be aware and disentangle ourselves from the restrictive unconscious tendencies and beliefs which attract friction and obstacles in our path. Diamond age flower essence ‘’clear path’’ brings us in a pure white energy field that does not allow the restrictive beliefs and tendencies of our personality to be involved in our path. This diamond age flower essence helps us to move towards our evolution without attracting obstacles and negative reactions.
The diamond age flower essence ‘’clear path’’ is particularly useful:
• When we attract negative reactions from other people and feel that there are people who do not want us to evolve and try to stop us.
• When we are preparing to achieve something positive in our lives and do not want to attract negative reactions.
• When we feel that there is a hidden obstacle that limits us and prevents us from evolving.
• When we cannot be objective and tend to be emotionally involved and go into various unnecessary frictions.
• When there are restrictive beliefs that give us the illusion that if we evolve and move forward in our life we will lose our connection with our family, life companion or friends.
• When the weak aspects of our personality stand in the way of our soul’s evolution and manifestation of its potential in our lives.
• Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to get in tune with the inner purity and objectivity of our real self.
• How would I be if I lived my life through the purity and the objectivity of my real self?
• How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?
• In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?
I am pure and objective, I live from my light and my path is open. Others are paving the way for me to grow and evolve. Life embraces me with its brightness and supports me at every step.
Anthyllis tetraphylla – I can do it
The diamond age flower essence from anthyllis tetraphylla flower helps us overcome doubts and uncertainty. This diamond age flower essence removes from our unconscious mind limiting images we may have for ourselves and the things we want to achieve. Diamond age flower essence ‘’I can do it’’ gives us confidence, helps us to believe in ourselves and builds a more confident and truthful image for ourselves and our goals.
This diamond age flower essence enables us to let go of the restrictive images we had built for ourselves at younger ages, which operated in an invisible unconscious way and affected our sense of self and self-confidence. Diamond age flower essence ‘’I can do it’’ helps us to see ourselves as we are in the present, with the abilities and capabilities we now have. This diamond age flower essence supports us to believe in ourselves, to see our goals as attainable, and to stand in life through a state of strength and confidence.
The diamond age flower essence ‘’I can do it’’ is particularly useful:
• When we have not cultivated our inner strength and confidence properly and have adopted a weak image for ourselves.
• When we lack confidence.
• When what we want to achieve seems too big and distant to us.
• When we have doubt about our abilities.
• When we do not initiate things because we believe we will not succeed.
• When the weaknesses of the past prevent us from expressing our potential in the present.
• When we are discouraged and believe that we have overestimated ourselves and that we are unable to achieve our goals.
• Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to upgrade our self-image and the way we perceive our goals.
• How would I be if I believed in myself and saw myself with the skills and abilities I have now in my life?
• How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?
• In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?
I am confident, I believe in myself, I have recognized my abilities and I am confident in achieving my goals. Others believe in me and trust me. Life trusts me and gives me great visions to accomplish.
Ophrys tenthredinifera – Shine your potential
The diamond age flower essence from ophrys tenthredinifera flower helps us to let go of unconscious restrictive patterns that keep us in mediocrity and in a fake safe zone. This diamond age flower essence helps us to embrace our potential and create new ways to express our abilities and manifest the maximum of our potential in our own unique way.
Diamond age flower essence ‘’shine your potential’’ enables us to bring our gifts and talents to the surface, to expose them and to start using them fully, manifesting and achieving our full potential. This diamond age flower essence helps us get out of the fake safe zone. ‘’Shine your potential’’ diamond age flower essence supports us to overcome the fear of success, the fear of jealousy and criticism from others, come out of obscurity and express the full range of our potential.
The diamond age flower essence ‘’shine your potential’’ is particularly useful:
• When we hold back ourselves and do not show the full range of our potential.
• When we keep ourselves to a moderate level of existence and anything outside of it seems to us as a risk.
• When we are afraid of the jealousy and criticism of others and do not show all our potential.
• When we tend to remain in obscurity, in a false zone of security and moderation.
• When we are afraid of success.
• When we believe that in order to succeed you must act in an unjust way and we tend to stick to that belief without having done our best to succeed.
• When we are afraid that if we manifest all our potential we will look selfish and can make others feel bad.
• Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to embrace fully our potential and to manifest in our life.
• How would I be if I had fully embraced my potential and manifested it freely in my life?
• How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?
• In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?
I have fully embraced my skills, gifts and talents, manifest them freely and achieve the best possible result in my life. Others recognize me and rejoice my achievements. Life gives me opportunities to manifest my potential and accomplish great things.
Ophrys spruneri – Happy and rational
The diamond age flower essence from ophrys spruneri flower brings balance between spontaneous creativity and disciplined direction towards the goal. Through this balance that this diamond age flower essence gives us we acquire the capacity to act as rational adults when needed, as a spontaneous exploratory child when this is the appropriate choice, or both, as appropriate.
Diamond age flower essence ‘’happy and rational’’ enables us to put our imagination, abstract concepts and creativity in a reasonable frame so that we can bring them into a practical application in our daily lives. This diamond age flower essence gives us the opportunity to add a touch of vividness, imagination and play to our rationality and our discipline. In this way we can bring a playful note to our rationality and a bit of logic to our imagination.
The diamond age flower essence ‘’happy and rational’’ is particularly useful:
• When we tend to live in the fantasy world and find it difficult to function in a reasonable and practical way in our daily lives.
• When we tend to be abstract and easily distracted from our goal.
• When we find it difficult to bring our imagination and creativity into our practical daily life.
• When we are too rational and have lost the connection with our imagination, creativity and playfulness.
• When we are too absorbed in our goal and lose the beauty of the path that leads us there.
• When we have the tendency to judge rationality and rational people.
• When we tend to judge imagination, fantasy and the people and the people that function through these qualities.
• When we have risen to high levels of consciousness through meditation and find it difficult to be grounded and function in the practical world.
• Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to deepen the harmony between creative imagination and practicality.
• How would I be if my creative imagination and rationality were in a harmonious relation?
• How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?
• In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?
I have harmonized my imagination and rationality and utilize in my life the gifts that each of them has to offer. Others accept my creative ideas and admire my discipline. Life gives me rich impulses and ideas so I can create beautiful things.
Ophrys phryganae – Just do it
The diamond age flower essence from the ophrys phryganae flower helps us to let go of procrastination, fear of disappointment and attachment to the outcome when we want to start an activity. This diamond age flower essence helps us to be able to start something with a specific intention for the outcome we want and at the same time to be free from any expectations.
Diamond age flower essence ‘’just do it’’ enables us to take action and give our best, enjoying the moment and allowing life to take care of the outcome. This diamond age flower essence helps us to be able to start activities that we enjoy just for the pleasure of doing them. ‘’Just do it’’ diamond age flower essence brings the understanding that this does not mean that we are not interested in the success or recognition of our work, they simply do not stand in our way by creating worries about things that have not happened yet, because anyway real success comes as a natural consequence when we give our best selves in something and have enjoyed the journey itself.
The diamond age flower essence ‘’just do it’’ is particularly useful:
• When we postpone and do not start activities because we fear failure.
• When our mind run ahead and is anxious for the outcome of things and we do not give our best in the present.
• When we are attached to the result we want to achieve and lose the present.
• When we are disappointed by a failure and we are afraid to start something because we think that we will fail again.
• When we tend to hesitate to utilize the opportunities presented to us and later we regret for not taking action.
• When our mind tends to create negative scenarios for the activities we have started or want to start.
• When we need an extra push to get something started.
• Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to give our best in an activity and enjoy the ride.
• How would I be if I gave my best in the present and trusted life for the outcome?
• How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?
• In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?
I give my best in the present, enjoy every moment of my life and trust life for the results. Others recognize and appreciate my contribution in each activity that I am engaged. Life ensures that the right results come at the right time.
Sternbergia lutea – Inner strength
The diamond age flower essence from sternbergia lutea flower helps us to overcome feelings of lack of strength, the ability or support to accomplish our goals. This diamond age flower essence awakens within us the endless source of the power of our soul. Diamond age flower essence ‘’inner strength’’ helps us to feel strong against any difficulties we experience and to be able to thrive even in the most inhospitable environment.
This diamond age flower essence enables us to gain access to our inner power that comes from the depths of our being. Diamond age flower essence ‘’inner strength’’ helps us to feel safe and strong within our own existence. This diamond age flower essence supports us to feel that we can rely on ourselves and that we can come out of any difficulties we experience and achieve beautiful things in our lives, even if the environment and the situations around us are not friendly.
The diamond age flower essence ‘’inner strength’’ is particularly useful:
• When we face difficulties and feel unable to cope.
• When we tend to constantly seek help from others and find it difficult to stand on our feet.
• When we are in an inhospitable environment and the only solution for help is to turn to ourselves.
• When we feel we cannot find fertile ground in order to thrive.
• When we have not come to know the true power within us.
• When we feel we have no more strength and courage to continue.
• When we feel we do not have the strength and courage to do what we want.
• Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to know and cultivate our inner strength.
• How would I be if I were consciously connected to the endless source of my inner strength?
• How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?
• In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?
I am consciously connected to the inexhaustible source of my inner strength, I believe in myself, stand firmly on my feet and I can accomplish great things in any situation. Others respect me, appreciate my strength and courage. Life supports me and gives me the opportunity to discover deeper layers of my strength.
Solanum elaegnifolium white – Peaceful power
The diamond age flower essence from solanum elaegnifolium (white) flower helps us to express our presence and power in life in a calm and peaceful way. This diamond age flower essence creates a white energy field around us that allows us to be ourselves and express our being in a graceful way, even when we are in places with many people, tensions and distractions.
Diamond age flower essence ‘’peaceful power’’ enables us to manifest our presence in a calm and truthful way. This diamond age flower essence helps us to keep our energy field clean, to be stable within our being, and to position ourselves in a genuine way. ‘’Peaceful power’’ diamond age flower essence support us to be unaffected by the energy of the environment or the people we associate with and without entering into various unconscious roles created by the collective field of people or the environment we are in.
The diamond age flower essence ‘’peaceful power’’ is particularly useful:
• When we are influenced by the energy of the environment or other people and we cannot express ourselves clearly.
• When the energy of others shrinks our own presence and we feel that we have to fight in order to be seen.
• When we prefer to stay in the background and not actively participate in the relations and social groups we belong to.
• When we tend to play different unconscious roles mirrored by other people, situations or the environment.
• When we feel that others are at a different wavelength from us and we feel that is useless to establish a connection with them.
• When we do not know how to position ourselves and make our presence seen.
• When we tend to express our power and presence in an intense or violent way.
• When we stay in the background because we are afraid of being involved in conflicts.
• Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to delve deeper into how to make our presence be felt in life.
• How would I be if I made my presence be seen in a truthful, calm and peaceful way?
• How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?
• In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?
I have a clear sense of my energy field, I express my power and I make my presence be seen in a calm and peaceful way. Others listen to me, accept me and create space for me to express myself. Life gives me space to exist and enrich every situation with my presence.