This butterfly spirit essences kit consists of 9 essences from the category flow and deeper connection with life and the universe of butterfly spirit essences.
The butterfly spirit essences that are included in this kit are:
In commune with the universe
Blue swallowtail butterfly spirit
The butterfly spirit essence ‘’in commune with the universe’’ brings a sense of deep serenity, peace and communion with the universe. This butterfly spirit essence helps us to settle into our being and recognize that we are an undivided part of the universe and that we have our unique place in it. ‘’In commune with the universe’’ butterfly spirit essence awakens a sense of deep trust in the universe and the desire to merge with it, recognizing that everybody and everything is an undivided part of all that is and has its own unique place in it and there is no need to struggle and try to be somewhere else. This butterfly spirit essence gives us the understanding that everything is perfect as it is in the arms of the universe.
The butterfly spirit essence ‘’in commune with the universe’’ is activated with the energy of blue swallowtail butterfly.
Clear wing satyr butterfly spirit
The butterfly spirit essence ‘’lightness’’ brings a sense of lightness into our being. This butterfly spirit essence helps us to be released from heavy energies and ways of being, from contracted and so called primal instincts and tendencies. ‘’Lightness’’ butterfly spirit essence facilitates a more graceful way of being and uplifts our primal instincts into their heavenly expression.
The butterfly spirit essence ‘’lightness’’ is activated with the energy of clear wing satyr butterfly spirit.
Allowing life to unfold
Nymphalis antiopa butterfly spirit
The butterfly spirit essence ‘’allowing life to unfold’’ awakens a sense of deep trust in life and the understanding that nothing happens by accident and that there is a deeper meaning behind everything. This butterfly spirit essence brings balance between doing and allowing things to unfold. ‘’Allowing life to unfold’’ butterfly spirit essence helps us to let go of the tendencies of the mind to control situations, to not act prematurely and to know when is the right time to act and when to allow life to unfold its mystery. This butterfly spirit essence brings a sense of peace and detachment from the events, helps us to not be overwhelmed by them and understand that our wellbeing is not depended on the outside, wellbeing is an independed state of being that can affect positively the outside world.
The butterfly spirit essence ‘’allowing life to unfold’’ is activated with the energy of nymphalis antiopa butterfly.
Being in peace
Red spotted purple butterfly spirit
The butterfly spirit essence ‘’being in peace’’ connects us with the natural deep peace of our real being. This butterfly spirit essence helps us to rest in it and be relieved from the restlessness of the mind. ‘’Being in peace’’ butterfly spirit essence bring peace in unresolved issues, resentment, anger and from the tendencies of the mind to stay hooked in problematic situations.
The butterfly spirit essence ‘’being in peace’’ is activated with the energy of red spotted butterfly.
Awakening and surrender
Mycalesis oculus butterfly spirit
The butterfly spirit essence ‘’awakening and surrender’’ awakens us to the fact that the mind, the ego – personality – the self that is trying to solve the problems of life, are the ones that create and attract them. This butterfly spirit essence gives us the understanding that this state of being exists in a problematic reality which tends to recycle itself again and again. ‘’Awakening and surrender;; butterfly spirit essence helps us to be detached from them, to surrender them and our life itself into the arms of the universe, so our life will be guided from the higher wisdom of existence.
The butterfly spirit essence ‘’awakening and surrender’’ is activated with the energy of mycalesis oculus butterfly.
Awakening abundance
Amarillo mariposas butterfly spirit
The butterfly spirit essence ‘’awakening abundance’’ awakens the true state of abundance into our being. This butterfly spirit essence helps us to let go of the unconscious programs related with poverty, greed and struggling with life. ‘’Awakening abundance’’ butterfly spirit essence brings the understanding that abundance is a state of being through which we can live regardless of what is happening in our life. This butterfly spirit essence gives us the understanding that through this state we can have the energy to attract, mirror and create the abundance that we want. Struggling will bring more struggling and abundance more abundance. Life is a mirror of our inner world.
The butterfly spirit essence ‘’awakening abundance’’ is activated with the energy of amarillo mariposas butterfly.
Beyond meaning
Grey hairstreak butterfly spirit
The butterfly spirit essence ‘’beyond meaning’’ brings us into a state where fulfillment, serenity and happiness are not a result of our actions, purpose or meaning, but are free from them and accessible to us at any moment. This butterfly spirit essence helps us to transcend the world of events, actions, goals and all the ways from which we try to find meaning in life. ‘’Beyond meaning’’ gives a sense of freedom and relief when we struggle with our purpose in life, when life seems meaningless, when things doesn’t work out or when life becomes paradox e.t.c
The butterfly spirit essence ‘’beyond meaning’’ is activated with the energy of grey hairstreak butterfly
Joy of life
Papilio ulyses butterfly spirit
The butterfly spirit essence ‘’joy of life’’ brings a sense of joy, happiness and freedom. This butterfly spirit essence helps us to let go of taking things to seriously, complains, misery and any tendencies or excuses that keep us away from happiness. ‘’Joy of life’’ brings the understanding that never is too late or too soon to be happy, just get in tune with it and make your life brighter.
The butterfly spirit essence ‘’joy of life’’ is activated with the energy of papilio ulyses butterfly.
Viceroy butterfly spirit
The butterfly spirit essence ‘’efficiency’’ helps us to be efficient in our path, goals and actions. This butterfly spirit essence keeps our awareness aligned with our path and removes from our field any parasitic energies and circumstances that create disturbance. ‘’Efficiency’’ butterfly spirit essence brings coherence between our thoughts, actions and determination so we can manifest our visions.
The butterfly spirit essence ‘’efficiency’’ is activated with the energy of viceroy butterfly.