balancing male and female energy butterfly essences kit blog foto

This butterfly spirit essences kit consists of 4 essences from the category balancing male and female energy kit of butterfly spirit essences.

The butterfly spirit essences that are included in this kit are:

Mothers hug 

Female tiger swallowtail butterfly spirit

The butterfly spirit essence ‘’mothers hug’’ embraces our being with the sweetness and love that comes from a truly loving mother. This butterfly spirit essence softens our spirit, feels our being with love, nurture and a gentle sense of safety. ‘’Mothers hug’’ butterfly spirit essence balances the relation with our mother, helps our inner child to grow in an inner space of love, get the nurturing that it was missing and become a healthy mature adult. This butterfly spirit essence helps the mothers to understand the real essence of being a mother.

The butterfly spirit essence ‘’mothers hug’’ is activated with the energy of female tiger swallowtail butterfly.

Fathers hug

Male tiger swallowtail butterfly spirit

The butterfly spirit essence ‘’fathers hug’’ embraces our being with the presence, strength, love and support of a truly loving father. This butterfly spirit essence brings a deep sense of presence, support, recognition, strength, love and protection into our being. ‘’Fathers hug’’ butterfly spirit essence balances the relation with our father, helps our inner child to grow in an inner space of presence, support, recognition and love and become a healthy mature adult. This butterfly spirit essence helps the fathers to understand the real essence of being a father.

The butterfly spirit essence ‘’fathers hug’’ is activated with the energy of male tiger swallowtail butterfly.

Feminine grace

Spice bush swallowtail female butterfly spirit

The butterfly spirit essence ‘’feminine grace’’ awakens the true grace of feminine energy. This butterfly spirit essence helps us to embrace it, to understand it and manifest it in our life. ‘’Feminine grace’’ butterfly spirit essence removes any distorted notions related to femininity and its different expressions. This butterfly spirit essence helps us to be released from different ways that we are repressing our feminine side and to allow its grace to be expressed and beautify our life.

The butterfly spirit essence ‘’feminine grace’’ is activated with the energy of spice bush swallowtail female butterfly. 

Masculine grace

Spice bush swallowtail male butterfly spirit

The butterfly spirit essence ‘’masculine grace’’ awakens the true grace of masculine energy. This butterfly spirit essence helps us to embrace it, understand it and manifest it in our life. ‘’Masculine grace’’ butterfly spirit essence removes any distorted notions related to masculinity and its different expressions. This butterfly spirit essence helps us to be released from different ways that we are repressing our masculine side and to allow its grace to expressed and strengthen our life.

The butterfly spirit essence ‘’masculine grace’’ is activated with the energy of spice bush swallowtail male butterfly.