healing mushroom essences kit blog post

Healing from Traumatic Experiences: Embracing and Transcending Our Shadow Self

The Impact of Traumatic Experiences on Our Life

We all have experienced traumatic experiences in life and these experiences have influenced and are still unconsciously influencing our way of being in life. Through those traumatic experiences we have created limiting beliefs, decision making mechanisms and ways of being in life which are not serving us and do not represent our true self.

The Shadow Self: Understanding Our Inner Pain Body

Basically the traumatic experiences shaped our shadow self or inner pain body. Our shadow self is not something to be afraid of because in its true nature it is a beautiful light quality of our spirit which got traumatized and became a shadow part of our being.

An example of that is the quality of innocence which is a natural quality that we all had it from the first moment that we got born. But as we were growing, some people may have taken advantage of our innocence and felt hurt. Then we associate unconsciously the quality of innocence with being taken advantage and feeling pain.

The result of that would be to consider the quality of innocence as a quality that you shouldn’t have because you will be traumatized. In this way a light quality like innocence is transformed into a shadow quality and it becomes part of the shadow self.

Embracing Our Natural Qualities: Healing from Trauma

The truth is that all of these qualities that became part of the shadow needs to be healed and come again in life in a more conscious way because they are an integral part of our natural self and without them we cannot live a complete and meaningful life.

Transcendental Mushroom Essences Kit: A Journey to Self-Healing and Transcendence.

Below I am presenting you the Transcendental Mushroom Essences Kit called “Healing”.

These essences helped me and are still helping me to heal, embrace and transcend my shadow self. They have been helping me become aware of so many subtle ways that our shadow self is influencing our life and to manage overcome the limitations that it brings and attracts into my life.

The transcendental mushroom essences which are included in this category are:

hug of existence mushroom essence elements, saker falcon spirit, melanoleuca mushroom spirit, smoky quartz crystal spirit.Hug of existence

The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’hug of existence’’ gives us the feeling of being embraced from existence. This transcendental mushroom essence embraces us with a gentle sense of warmth, care, security, understanding and kindness.

Using ‘’hug of existence’’ transcendental mushroom essence it is like coming back to our true inner home and receiving the sweet hug and love that we are longing for.

The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’hug of existence’’ is a composition of the energies of meanoleuca sp mushroom, smoky quartz crystal and saker falcon spirit.

Check this Transcendental Mushroom Essence here…

SHADOW TRANSFORMATION MUSHROOM ESSENCE ELEMENTS, common buzzard spirit, shadow transformation mushroom spirit, labradorite crystal spirit.Shadow transformation

The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’shadow transformation’’ helps us reconcile with our light and darkness. This transcendental mushroom essence gives us a sense of sweetness, understanding and spiritual maturity through which we can touch, heal and transform deep fears about our inner light and darkness, negative entities that have negative intentions towards us and wounds that have been solidified within and hold us back.

Using ‘’shadow transformation’’ transcendental mushroom essence reconciliation and peace extends to our relation with life and other people.

The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’shadow transformation’’ is a composition of the energies of shadow transformation mushroom, labradorite crystal and common buzzard spirit.

Check this Transcendental Mushroom Essence here…

pain transformation mushroom essence elements, common buzzard spirit, pain transformation mushroom spirit, pyrite crystal spirit.Pain transformation

The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’pain transformation’’ helps us to transform and release the pain that we have experienced or experience in our human existence. This transcendental mushroom essence helps us to let go of feelings of loneliness and frustration that we may feel unconsciously about people and the human existence itself.

‘’Pain transformation’’ transcendental mushroom essence helps us build an independent healthy individuality, seals our energy field and protects us from the negative energies of other people. This transcendental mushroom essence helps us to see the healthy perspective of human existence and build a healthy connection with the human family.

The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’pain transformation’’ is a composition of the energies of pain transformation mushroom, pyrite crystal and common buzzard spirit.

Check this Transcendental Mushroom Essence here…

flow of love mushroom essence elements, flamingo spirit, mycena pura mushroom spirit, pink quartz crystal spirit.Flow of love

The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’flow of love’’ helps us to free ourselves from blocked emotions, brings fluidity and love to inner spaces that were dried up emotionally. This transcendental mushroom essence fills with love aspects of the self that have been feeling lack of love and warmth.

 ‘’Flow of love’’ transcendental mushroom essence helps us to be lighter and more fluid emotionally, as well as to express with more comfort and grace our emotions and especially love.

The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’flow of love’’ is a composition of the energies of mycena pura mushroom, pink quartz crystal and flamingo spirit.

Check this Transcendental Mushroom Essence here…

embracing the lower self mushroom essence elements, flamingo spirit, embracing the lower self mushroom spirit, malachite crystal spirit.Embracing the lower self

The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’embracing the lower self’’ awakens from within a deep sense of acceptance, understanding, love and compassion through which we can face, embrace and transform the lower aspects of our self.

This transcendental mushroom essence helps us to let go of feelings of guilt, shame, embarrassment and negative self criticism, to hold the fallen aspects of our self into the warm space of our heart and allow them to heal and reunite with the light that we are.

The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’embracing the lower self’’ is a composition of the energies of embracing mushroom, malachite crystal and flamingo spirit.

Check this Transcendental Mushroom Essence here…

embracing wellbeing mushroom essence elements, goshawk spirit, embracing wellbeing mushroom spirit, white coral spirit.Embracing wellbeing

The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’embracing wellbeing’’ promotes wellbeing in all levels of our being. This transcendental mushroom essence awakens the feeling of self-love, the willingness to be healthy and the willingness to follow a healthy way of being.

‘’Embracing wellbeing’’ transcendental mushroom essence helps us to let go of various unconscious self destructive patterns and embrace wellbeing in body, mind and spirit.

The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’embracing wellbeing’’ is a composition of the energies of russula sp mushroom, white coral and goshawk spirit.

Check this Transcendental Mushroom Essence here…

deep inner healing mushroom essence elements, flicker bird spirit, deep inner healing mushroom spirit, meteorite spirit.Deep inner healing

The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’deep inner healing’’ helps us to do a deep inner healing. This transcendental mushroom essence reaches deep into our energetic structure and removes sick energies that have been attached through the years.

 ‘’Deep inner healing’’ transcendental mushroom essence brings a deep renewal into our being. Although this transcendental mushroom essence reaches in deep unconscious layers, the healing happens through a sense of love towards oneself, softness, sensitivity and spaciousness.

The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’deep inner healing’’ is a composition of the energies of inner healing mushroom, meteorite and flicker spirit.

Check this Transcendental Mushroom Essence here…

transcending the broken parts mushroom essence elements, ring neck parakeet parrot spirit, transcending the broken parts mushroom spirit, pink agate crystal spirit.Transcending the broken parts

The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’transcending the broken parts’’ helps us to transcend the traumatic experiences that have left a mark in our being. This transcendental mushroom essence gives us the ability to embrace the broken parts of ourselves, to unify them with our pure being, let go of resentment and fear based patterns that do not allow us to move forward in life.

‘’Transcending the broken parts’’ transcendental mushroom essence helps us to make peace with the past, close the chapters that need to be closed and move forward in our life with more maturity, love and awareness.

This transcendental mushroom essence connects us with the space of undisturbed peace, patience and compassion and keeps our mind focused on solutions, enabling us to deal gracefully with the ups and downs of life.

The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’transcending the broken parts’’ is a composition of the energies of transcending the broken parts mushroom, pink agate crystal and ring neck parakeet parrot spirit.

Check this Transcendental Mushroom Essence here…

What are transcendental mushroom essences.

Transcendental mushroom essences are vibrational essences which hold the etheric blueprint, energetic information and spiritual qualities of mushrooms, birds and crystals.

 Each one of them is a mixture from the etheric blueprint, energetic information and spiritual quality of a specific mushroom, bird and crystal.

They act as catalysts of inner balance and harmony. Have as main theme to help us bring in the light of consciousness and transform parts of the self that have been buried in the shadow of the unconscious, our inner pain body and the almost imperceptible way that they affect our way of being. To recognize and connect with the higher expressions of our being, to be able to balance our inner light and darkness, to transcend duality and crystallize our sense of self.

They have come to help us utilize in a good way these intense times of transition that we are going through and guide us in a deeper harmony and self realization.

For their preparation have not been used any organic parts of mushrooms or birds and have not been harmed in any way the mushrooms, the birds and any part of the ecological system. Their preparation happens with the conscious participation and channeling of the consciousness of mushrooms, birds and crystals and for this reason they are completely safe and have no side effects.

All the transcendental mushroom essences are completely natural and handmade. Have been created as a result of inner guidance, with love and pure intention from Omprakash (K. Jaupi).

Are Transcendental Mushroom Essences suitable for everyone?

Transcendental Mushroom Essences are absolutely safe and can be used by the whole family. They do not contain any organic ingredient from the mushrooms, birds and crystals, but only their vibration and for this reason Transcendental Mushroom Essences have no side effects.

How can I use Transcendental Mushroom Essences?

Transcendental Mushroom essences are very easy to use:

Step 1: dilution – put 9 drops of the concentrated essence into a 20 ml bottle and fill the remaining of the bottle with half brandy and half fresh spring water. This is called the treatment bottle.

Step 2: From this bottle put 4 drops 4 times a day (morning, noon, afternoon and evening) 1 drop on top of your head, 1 on your solar plexus and 1 on the top of each foot.

How many Transcendental Mushroom Essences can I use at the same time?

You can make a blend with up to 6 Transcendental Mushroom Essences in one bottle. use the treatment bottle of the Transcendental Mushroom essence until you finish it. 3-4 days after finishing your treatment you can continue with the same essence or move to another one.

Transcendental Mushroom essences can become a good combination with flower and butterfly spirit essences.

Learn more about Transcendental Mushroom Essences Here…

Wish you to have a beautiful healing and transformation of your shadow self, so you can live your life as a whole and integrated being!

With love,

Omprakash K. Jaupi