meditation and inner peace flower essences kit blog foto

This kit consists of 9 different flower essences which are included in the category meditation of diamond age flower essences.

The diamond age flower essences which are included in this category are:

Crocus – Just be   

The diamond age flower essence from crocus flower relieves us from the tendency of the mind to think or deal with what is imperfect in our life. This diamond age flower essence helps us to shift our focus from thinking, to being so we can be present in the here and now and be able to rest within ourselves. ‘’Just be’’ diamond age flower essence supports us to recognize and be thankful for what we have in life and to enjoy each moment with fresh presence.

Diamond age flower essence ‘’just be’’ enables us to realize the present moment, to be able to relax in the here and now, to settle in the moment, to absorb and enjoy what is happening and what we have in the now. This diamond age flower essence helps us to let go from the tendency of the mind to be occupied with what is missing in our lives, from the tension and sense of dissatisfaction that this tendency creates.

The diamond age flower essence ‘’just be’’ is particularly useful:

When we ignore the good things that we have in our lives and focus on what we lack.

When we have the tendency to want to constantly achieve or do something and it is not easy for us to simply exist and relax in the moment.

When we want to learn the art of meditation.

When we think that just being in the moment is a waste of time.

When we have lost contact with the here and now.

When we are not fully present in our activities because our minds are involved in something else.

Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to deepen our meditation and learn the art of simply existing in the here and now.


How would I be if I lived completely in the present and found fulfillment in every single moment of my life?

How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?

In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?


I live totally in the present and find fulfillment in each and every moment of my life. Others enjoy my company and feel my presence in their lives. Life offers me fulfillment at each precious moment of it.

Allium neapolitanum – Higher ground

The diamond age flower essence from allium neapolitanum flower uplifts our soul. This diamond age flower essence helps us to let go of feelings of shame about ourselves and low self-esteem. Diamond age flower essence ‘’higher ground’’ empowers us to stand in the space of our higher self, to forgive and to accept the lower expressions of ourselves.

This diamond age flower essence enables us to live through the freshness and light of our higher selves. ‘’Higher ground’’ diamond age flower essence helps us cut the cords that connect us with low vibrational energies that try to lower our vibration and keep us in unhealthy ways of being. This diamond age flower essence supports us to leave behind the past and experiences that we are not particularly proud of, to reflect on the light of our higher nature and to raise the vibration of our energy field.

The diamond age flower essence ‘’higher ground’’ is particularly useful:

When our way of thinking lowers our self-esteem and reminds us of negative experiences of our live.

When we try to let go of a negative situation and feel that something is holding us back.

When we have the tendency to attract troubled situations and low vibrational people.

When we try to evolve and we are faced with various obstacles that hinder us.

When our morals have fallen, we feel low self-esteem and need a soul uplift.

When we ignore the existence of our higher self.

When we want to connect with life and people through the consciousness of our higher selves.

Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to connect deeper with our higher selves and increase the vibration of our energy field.


How would I be if I had forgiven and accepted the lower unconscious expressions of myself and functioned in life through the awareness of my higher self?

How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?

In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?


I have forgiven and accepted the lower unconscious expressions of myself and live my life through the consciousness of my higher self. Others interact harmoniously with me. Life connects me with its highest expressions.

Lupinus albus – Awakened soul

The diamond age flower essence from lupinus albus flower helps us to awaken from the limited perception that we are the body, the mind or the character that we have built. This diamond age flower essence awakens within us the knowledge that the immortal soul, a spark of the divine, lives within this body. ‘’Awakened soul’’ diamond age flower essence helps us to break free from the limitations of our character and our body and to live our lives through the grace of the spirit.

This diamond age flower essence enables us to feel free in our bodies and to see that the body is the wonderful vehicle of our soul, of the divine spark to live the human experience. ‘’Awakened soul’’ diamond age flower essence brings the understanding that our true essence is not subject to the limitations of our body or character. Through this experience and knowledge we can live our lives with more freedom, comfort and grace.

The diamond age flower essence ‘’awakened soul’’ is particularly useful:

When we feel limited within our bodies, our character and our lives.

When we feel our body as a prison.

When we ignore the existence of our soul and live our life through the limited sense of our body and mind.

When we feel that we need the divine presence in our lives.

When we feel that our lifeis being guided through the weaknesses and limitations of our character.

When we seek God outside of us and ignore the existence of God within us.

When we realize that our ego and character cannot help us move further in our evolution and we need to connect with the deeper essence of our being.

Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to deepen the connection with the divine spark within us.


How would I be if I had recognized the divine spark within me and lived my life through this state of being?

How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?

In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?


I have recognized the divine spark within me and live my life through the power, freedom and grace of the spirit. Others are happy and inspired by my way of being. Life gives me more freedom, light and grace.

Purple Iris – Insight

The diamond age flower essence from the purple iris flower helps us to see beyond the obvious and to understand deeper truths hidden behind seemingly stagnant situations. This diamond age flower essence activates the inner vision (third eye), helps us to have access to our inner realities and have a clearer understanding of them. Diamond age flower essence ‘’insight’’ enhances our creativity and helps us express it in our daily life.

This diamond age flower essence enables us to be more insightful in our lives, to be more aware of our intuition and the function of the finer senses. Diamond age flower essence ‘’insight’’ balances our inner and outer reality and stabilizes our electromagnetic field.

The diamond age flower essence ‘’insight’’ is particularly useful:

When we are very extroverted and have no contact with our inner reality.

When we tend to get lost and travel to inner realities and it is not easy for us to operate in the outside world.

When it is not easy for us to express our inner reality and perspective.

When the third eye is activated and we feel our energy field to be particularly sensitive, unstable and prone to outside influences.

When our creativity is stagnant.

When we want to further develop our creativity and take it beyond the ordinary.

When we cannot understand the way that we function and why certain things happen to us.

When we ignore the influence of our inner realities on our lives.

Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to deepen the connection with our inner world and activate the third eye.


How would I be if I properly processed, understood and cultivated my inner reality, elevated my creativity to new heights and created harmony between my inner and outer worlds?

How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?

In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?


I process, understand and nurture my inner reality, elevate my creativity to new heights, and create harmony between my inner and outer worlds. Others are my mirrors and I see myself clearly through them. Life mirrors my inner wealth in creative ways.

Lupinus angustifolius – Surrender

The diamond age flower essence from lupinus angustifolius flower helps us to be relieved from concerns about survival or success and feel deep support and confidence in existence itself. This diamond age flower essence helps us surrender ourselves to the divine, release ourselves from the feeling of “little me with my big problems” and allow existence to manifest its superior plan.

Diamond age flower essence ‘’surrender’’ enables us to surrender our ego, to put ourselves out from the equation of any matter that concerns us and to release the phobias, tensions and anxieties of the ego. This diamond age flower essence helps us to trust our life in the hands of the divine element, to allow existence to take over us and our concerns. ‘’Surrender’’ diamond age flower essence supports us to allow the divine to manifest its superior plan through us, and to lead things in the right direction and outcome.

The diamond age flower essence ‘’insight’’ is particularly useful:

When experiencing difficulties with issues of survival or success.

When we feel that the things we face are beyond our human capacity.

When we realize that the real obstacle in our life is our own ego and that we must somehow get ourselves out of the way.

When we do not understand in what direction things should go and we need to let existence lead the situation.

When we have reached the appropriate spiritual maturity to feel ready to surrender our ego.

When we feel alone, scared, desperate, and cut from existence.

When we feel that there is nothing that can help us.

When we let the ego with its arrogance and ignorance drag us into negative situations.

Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to deepen the surrender of our ego and our union with the divine.


How would I be if I surrendered my ego to the divine element and allowed the existence to guide my steps?

How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?

In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?


I surrender my ego to the divine element and allow the existence to lead my steps. Others are integral part of existence and part of a higher plan. Life supports me, fills me with confidence and strength and shows me that I am part of a higher plan.

Pancratium Maritimum – Infinite awareness

The diamond age flower essence from pancratium maritimum flower helps us to open our perception and connect with a higher aspect of ourselves, the observer, the infinite awareness. This diamond age flower essence helps us overcome our weaknesses and fears about life or death and manage to cope with the difficulties we face, knowing that our true self cannot be affected by anything.

Diamond age flower essence ‘’infinite awareness’’ enables us to get to know the immortal nature of our true being and to position ourselves in life through this state of being. This diamond age flower essence gives us inner stability, strength and determination to deal with our weaknesses and restrictive habits. Diamond age flower essence ‘’infinite awareness’’ helps us to feel free from the limitations of the body-mind and the weaknesses of our personality and to live our life through the light of the infinite awareness.

The diamond age flower essence ‘’infinite awareness’’ is particularly useful:

When we feel like taking a step forward and a step back.

When our personality weaknesses and restrictive habits stand in the way of our evolution.

When we have many and difficult things to do and need to move step by step in the present without being distracted by the thoughts and weaknesses of our personality.

When we want to break a negative habit, weakness or addiction.

When we are bothered by the fear of death or life.

When we tend to fall back on the same negative habits, ways of thinking, addictions and weaknesses over and over again.

When we make a positive change inside or outside of us and we need support to stabilize in that direction.

When practicing or wanting to engage in transcendental meditation.

Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to deepen our connection with the pure infinite awareness.


How would I be if I was connected and living my life through the space of infinite awareness?

How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?

In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?


I am connected and living my life through the space of infinite awareness. Others are eternal in their true nature. Life gives me opportunities to manifest the power and grace of my true nature.

Ophrys attica – Realizing beingness

The diamond age flower essence from ophrys attica flower helps us to distinguish ourselves from the story of our life. This diamond age flower essence gives us access to the state of pure consciousness and helps us experience a deeper sphere of being. Enlightened masters say that even a small glimpse of the real self can transform our whole lives.

Diamond age flower essence ‘’realizing beingness’’ enables us to perceive emptiness, that field of consciousness that holds and encompasses all forms. The field in which all forms are born and return after their manifestation in the physical form, while it itself always remains serene and unaffected, is one with everything, within everything and at the same time is none of them. This diamond age flower essence helps us to free ourselves from the influence that the world of matter, past, future, change and identification with our personal history or that of others has had on us. Diamond age flower essence ‘’realizing beingness’’ gives us the opportunity to look at life and position ourselves in it through the fresh, serene perspective of emptiness.

The diamond age flower essence ‘’realizing beingness’’ is particularly useful:

When our personal history or that of others stands in the way of our evolution.

When we are identified with our personal history and believe that the past determines who we are.

When we feel that the traumas and difficulties of the past have negatively shaped our personal identity and that we have to live with it.

When we feel that we are bound by karma and the tendencies that come from our ancestors.

When we are ignorant of our deepest nature.

When we tend to identify with and engage with the form and personal history of people and things.

When changes affect us negatively and cause us disruption.

When we are easily influenced by external conditions, actions and people.

We can simply use this flower essence when we want to go deeper into our meditation and connect with our deepest nature.


How would I be if I was one with the emptiness and perceived life through his fresh serene perspective?

How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?

In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?


I am one with the emptiness, I perceive and connect with life through its fresh serene perspective. Others and everything else are ephemeral manifestations of existence, in depth we are all one. Life is contained in the eternal emptiness.

Himantoglossum robertianum – holistic view

The diamond age flower essence from himantoglossum robertianum flower helps us to not get stuck to the difficulties we face but to see things from above and to have a more complete picture of the situation, so that we can perceive solutions and directions we did not see because of our identification with the difficulty we experienced. This diamond age flower essence helps us sharpen our perception and move with flexibility from microcosm to macrocosm and vice versa.

Diamond age flower essence ‘’holistic view’’ enables us to see things from above, to be able to disidentify ourselvesfrom the limited perspective of the body-mind and to see situations from the perspective of the spirit. This diamond age flower essence creates a connection between the microcosm and the macrocosm, the conscious and the superconscious mind. Diamond age flower essence ‘’holistic view’’ helps us to be grounded, protected, and stable when we see things from above and explore the macrocosm. This diamond age flower essence helps us to have an acute perception and to be able to put the perspective of the spirit into our daily lives.

The diamond age flower essence ‘’holistic view’’ is particularly useful:

When we have been identified with the difficulties and cannot see beyond what is happening.

When we feel that we are in a deadlock.

When our perception moves too much in the spirit world and we find it difficult to ground ourselves and connect with our body and the earthly reality.

When we are identified with earthly and material things and ignore the spiritual realm.

When we find it difficult to balance spiritual and physical reality.

When doing transcendental meditation and astral traveling.

When we deal with the tree and lose the forest.

Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to deepen the harmony between the material and the spiritual and learn to move our perception from the microcosm to the macrocosm and vice versa.


How would I be if I were in harmony with the physical and spiritual dimension of my being and harmoniously moved my perception from the microcosm to the macrocosm and vice versa, having at the same time mental stability, acute perception and sharpness?

How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?

In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?


I am harmonized within the physical and spiritual dimension of my being, harmoniously moving my perception from the microcosm to the macrocosm and vice versa, having at the same time mental stability, acute perception and sharpness. Others are precious manifestations of existence, and we all conclude a beautiful puzzle. Life allows me to see its big picture and realize its harmony.

Trifolium grandiflorum – Breakthrough

The diamond age flower essence from trifolium grandiflorum flower helps us to recognize, accept our mistakes, and forgive ourselves for our weaknesses. This diamond age flower essence gives us the spiritual maturity and power to be able to stand differently in life, transcend a restrictive pattern, and make the shift to a healthier way of being.

Diamond age flower essence ‘’breakthrough’’ enables us to see and deal with our mistakes from a mature spiritual perspective. This diamond age flower essence helps us to find redemption in the truth, to be able to stop repeating the same negative pattern over and over again. Diamond age flower essence ‘’breakthrough’’ helps us to stop saying one lie on top of another in order to cover up our previous lies or mistakes.

The diamond age flower essence ‘’breakthrough’’ is particularly useful:

When we have built a restrictive way of being and find it difficult to let go of it.

When we lie again and again in order to cover our previous lie.

When we lie or hide behind different situations in order to cover up our mistakes.

When we find it difficult to apologize.

When we find it difficult to deal with and correct our mistakes.

When we make a negative internal self-criticism for the mistakes we have made but do nothing to correct them.

When we are too harsh with ourselves or others and it is not easy for us to forgive and understand mistakes.

When we believe that mistakes cannot be corrected and we have to live with them.

Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to breakthrough and transcend a restrictive pattern that is beyond our conscious perception.


How would I be if I acknowledged my mistakes, forgave myself, had the courage to apologize and create new positive ways of being?

How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?

In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?


I acknowledge my mistakes, forgive myself, have the courage to apologize and create new positive ways of being. Others are receptive to me, compassionate and give me opportunities to do the right thing. Life is full of understanding and compassion, and it constantly gives me opportunities to mature, correct situations, and evolve.