

Om Prakash


Manifesting The True You workshop is all about you meeting with the true you! It is a journey where you rediscover your authentic self and manifest it in your life! What is really missing from our life is our true self and our authentic vision!

 This is a journey where you are going to dive in to the unique nature of your spirit, to the drop of the universal consciousness that you are. You are going to recognize and connect with the specific quality of your spirit. With the gifts, the talents and the true inner values that you have come to bring in this life.


You will choose an area of your life that you are not experiencing fulfilment and will align it with the vision of your spirit, allowing your heart to shine bright and lead you towards fulfilment. You will harmonize your unconscious, conscious and hyper conscious with your spirit, your heart and its true vision and will open the pathways for its manifestation in to your day to day life. 


As you will be awakening to the uniqueness of your spirit, you will be able to make a clear distinction between your true being and the personality, the pain body and shadow self. You will recognize the way that they have been interfering in your life, embrace, heal, transform them and become a more whole and integrated being.


The whole journey is created, supported and guided from the training and the experiences of Omprakash in Native American spiritual traditions, n.l.p, meditation, energy healing, flower – butterfly and mushroom essences, the higher spheres of consciousness and foremost from the amazing potential of your spirit which will be fully expressed in the sacred environment created from our hearts and our pure intentions!

What we will experience together

  • Awaken to Authenticity
    Awaken to the essence of your true inner self and recognize the specific quality of your being – your true individual identity. 
  • Alignment and Reconnection
    Reconnect with your gifts, talents, and true inner values, aligning your unconscious, conscious, and hyper-consciousness with your spirit’s vision.

  • Healing and Integration
    Embrace, heal, and transform aspects of your shadow self, releasing past wounds and embracing wholeness.
  • Energy Cleansing
    Purify your energy field from negative imprints and parasites, clearing the pathways for manifestation and fulfillment.
  • Spiritual Guidance
    Draw from the wisdom of Native American spiritual traditions, NLP, meditation, energy healing, and essences to support your journey.

  • Manifestation Mastery
    Learn to perceive reality through the eyes of your true being, making decisions that align with your true path and lead to love and fulfillment.

  • Integration into Daily Life
    Open pathways for manifesting your spirit’s vision in your everyday life, aligning your way of being with your true essence.



Om Prakash

  • Price €450
  • Start Date August 25, 2024
  • End Date August 29, 2024
  • Duration 5 Days
  • Location Eresos - Lesvos, Greece
  • Max Students 20


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can i manifest abundance through the Manifesting The True You Retreat?

    Life is full of abundance, the lack of it is an invention of the egoistic mind. When we connect with our authentic self we have direct access to the source of existence….which is full of abundance…So yes through the Manifesting The True You Retreat you open to the abundance that you truly deserve having in life.

  • In which area of life can i focus in the Manifesting The True You Retreat?

    You can focus in any area of life in which you feel that you are not experiencing fulfilment and not really being who you really are. This might be family, intimate relations, career, friendships, spirituality, your connection with yourself or any other topic that might bother you. 

  • What is so unique about the Manifesting The True You Retreat?

    Manifesting The True You Retreat guides you to transcend all stories, theories and illusions that were imposed upon you and meet with the self was, is and will always be free. It guides you to recognise your unique gifts, qualities and talents, your unique path in any area of life….and foremost to realign with cosmic consciousness and the true flow of life.
  • Does this retreat focus on trauma healing and deconditioning?

    Trauma healing and deconditioning happens naturally through the Manifesting The True You Retreat, because from the moment that you discover your authentic self, your true vision and natural way of being in life, everything else that was imposed on you will naturally fade away.

  • What is the inner pain body and shadow self? How do they influence our life?

    The inner pain body and the shadow self actually are parts of our light that were traumatised and are not healed yet. They keep inside of them fear, pain and unhealed emotions. They influence our life by projecting fear and restrictions in our life, thus interfering with our way of making decisions, responding and positioning our self in life.

    This parts of ourselves need to be healed and embraced into our true nature so they can find peace and we can become an integrated being.  There are 9 major patterns and fears through which the inner pain body and shadow self function. We will bring healing and peace to all of them and replace their patterns with the graceful ways of being of our true self.

  • What is the structure of the Manifesting The True You Retreat?

    This retreat is a meditative journey within ourselves. In this 5 days we will use advanced techniques from the world of meditation, self-awareness practices, shamanic energy healing and journeying, n.l.p and  diamond age essences. In some practices we will be in deep introspection with ourselves, in other practices we will do inner inquiry with a partner, we will have sharings, dancing, group healing, good food and lots of fun! Everyday we will do 2-3 sessions of about 2 hours each.

  • Who can participate in the Manifesting The True You Retreat?

    We all are a unique expression and extension of cosmic consciousness and our main goal in life is to recognise it and manifest in life our true vision. If you are feeling a genuine calling for this…then you are welcome, regardless of your background, experience and belief systems.

  • Is there any ongoing support after the Retreat?

    Yes after the Retreat you will receive specific meditations and guidance in order to nourish the inner work that you did and keep on manifesting your authentic self and vision in life. This retreat can remain with you as a compass for the rest of your life…because who you truly are has never changed and will never be changed by any experiences of life.



Omprakash giving manifesting the true you coaching session

About the Facilitator Om Prakash

Omprakash shares the experience and deep belief that every human being is a unique manifestation of existence that has within an amazing potential that is waiting to be manifested.He is the author of the book “Embracing Our Inner Nature” founder of the Diamond Age Essences, of the workshop “Manifesting The True You”, co-founder of the “Brain Crystal Activation” and meditation instructor.

He is trained in different massage modalities and in energy work such Reiki (Masters Teacher degree), shamanic energy healing and in NLP. He is a regular and founding member of the Greek Flower Essences Association. The approach of his work focuses on helping the individual to recognize his/her true essence and innate talents, to create a deep harmonization within and to live a life full of meaning, joy and fulfillment.

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