Creating a Healthy Connection with Yourself and Others: 10 Mushroom Essences For Conscious Relationships
Developing a healthy connection with yourself and others is essential for building meaningful relationships. Whether it’s with friends, family, or romantic partners, a healthy connection is the foundation for a meaningful life. In this article, we’ll explore 3 basic elements and 10 Transcendental Mushroom Essences that can support you in creating healthy relationships.
The first step in creating a healthy connection with yourself and others is to develop self-awareness. This means taking the time to be aware of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. By contemplating on your own needs and desires, you can communicate them more effectively to others. Self-awareness also helps you identify unhealthy patterns in your relationships and transform them.
Clear Communication
Clear communication is very important to creating a healthy connection with others. This means to be able to listening to others, expressing yourself in an authentic way, and being open to receive feedback. It’s important to be aware that communication is a two-way street. By being a good listener and expressing yourself clearly, you can avoid being misunderstood and build trust in your relationships.
Empathy is the ability to feel and share the feelings of others. It’s an important component of building healthy relationships. By putting yourself in someone else’s shoes, you can be aware of their perspective and respond in a compassionate and supportive way. Empathy also helps you appreciate the different qualities that make each person unique.
In conclusion, the three basic blocks to create a healthy connection with yourself and others are self-awareness, clear communication, and empathy. By developing these skills, you can create authentic and meaningful relationships that bring happiness and contentment to your life. Remember, healthy relationships take time and conscious presence, but the rewards are well worth it.
10 Transcendental Mushroom Essences that helped me create a healthy relation with myself and others
This powerful Transcendental Mushroom Essences kit reveals the ways in which we may lose connection with our true selves and others and how our shadow self can interfere. Through the use of these essences, we can transcend these obstacles and cultivate a stable connection with our authentic self and others. Embrace the unique qualities and gifts of our spirit and recognise those of others.
The transcendental mushroom essences which are included in this kit are:
Stabilization of our light
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’stabilization of our light’’ stabilizes, grounds gently the light of our higher self within our body and in our first chakra and gives it a stable ground. This transcendental mushroom essence helps our higher self to learn to live through the physical body with stability, focused presence and without loosing its subtle nature.
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’stabilization of our light’’ is a composition of the energies of bovista sp mushroom, white quartz crystal and swan spirit.
Check this Transcendental Mushroom Essences here…
Crystallization of the self
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’crystallization of the self’’ reveals and brings in the light of consciousness the personalities that we built during our life and the parasitic energies that tried to integrate with us, to shape our sense of self and present themselves as the self.
This transcendental mushroom essence relieves the mind from the chattering of the parasites and helps us to meet our self in its purity, as it was before of any influence. ‘’Crystallization of the self ‘’ transcendental mushroom essence helps us to crystallize our true self and to start bring its essence step by step in our life.
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’crystallization of the self’’ is a composition of the energies of phellinus torulosus mushroom, white quartz crystal and juvenile harris hawk spirit.
Check this Transcendental Mushroom Essence here…
Balance in family systems
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’balance in family systems’’ helps us restore harmony in the relations with our family and the various systems created through them.
This transcendental mushroom essence enables us to cut off the energetic umbilical cords, gain access to our individual spiritual potential and place ourselves in the right role and responsibility in our family systems and in our life in general.
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’crystallization of the self’’ is a composition of the energies of psathyrella sp mushroom, amethyst crystal and falcon spirit.
Check this Transcendental Mushroom Essence here…
Relying on your own light
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’relying on your own light’’ connects us with the pure and innocent state of being the we were in when we were born. This transcendental mushroom essence creates a protective field around it, helps us to differentiate ourselves from the environment, the people and the situations around us at that time and let go of the false ideas and impressions that we created about ourselves.
‘’Relying on your own light’’ transcendental mushroom essence helps us to recognize that we are beautiful innocent beings of light that have come here to enlighten the dark aspects of life rather than absorb its darkness and lose ourselves in it.
This transcendental mushroom essence helps us to let go of connections and situations that disempowered us and led us away from our path, to believe in the power of our own light, to embrace it and live our life through it.
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’relying on your own light’’ is a composition of the energies of lycoperdon sp mushroom, tiger eye crystal and pelican spirit.
Check this transcendental Mushroom Essence here…
Self contentment
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’self contentment’’ helps us to feel content and complete within ourselves. This transcendental mushroom essence helps us to connect with the deep fulfillment that exists in existence and within the essence of our being.
‘’Self contentment’’ transcendental mushroom essence releases us from the tendency to want to change us to something better than what we are and see that this illusion comes from our identification with the ego, our personal history and the patterns of the matrix, otherwise our essence is perfect as it is.
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’self contentment’’ is a composition of the energies of inocybe lacera mushroom, white quartz crystal and gyrfalcon spirit.
Check this Transcendental Mushroom Essence here…
Divine female
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’divine female’’ helps us to understand, reconcile and honor the sacred feminine inside and outside us. This transcendental mushroom essence protects and support our creations that have begun to bloom and manifest themselves in life.
‘’Divine female ‘’ transcendental mushroom essence helps us to connect harmoniously with mother earth, to ground ourselves, to tune our energy field with that of the earth, to feel her love and care and to feel that we can walk in a sweet, gentle and firm way on earth and that we have the support of mother earth for the manifestation of our vision.
This transcendental mushroom essence supports, protects and stabilizes the development of goodness, innocence, children and new beginnings.
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’divine female’’ is a composition of the energies of ganoderma sp mushroom, pink tourmaline crystal and common buzzard spirit.
Check this Transcendental Mushroom Essence here…
Divine Male
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’divine male’’ awakens from within the pure male energy, the divine essence of yang energy. This transcendental mushroom essence brings restoration to our relation with the male archetype ( ancestors, grandfathers, father, husband e.t.c.).
‘’Divine male’’ transcendental mushroom essence fills with balance the inner spaces where the male archetype was missing, or was expressed in an unbalanced way and helps our being to recognize the pure essence of it and start having a balanced relation with it.
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’divine male’’ is a composition of the energies of inonotus hispidus mushroom, amethyst crystal and white goshawk spirit.
Check this Transcendental Mushroom Essence here…
Male and female in balance
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’male and female in balance’’ balances the relation between masculine and feminine energy within and outside. This transcendental mushroom essence brings healing, relief and balance to traumas that male energy has created to the female energy and vice versa.
‘’Male and female in balance’’ transcendental mushroom essence’s gentle energy reaches the depths of our genealogical tree and releases us from ancestral karma, pain and repetitive negative patterns between male and female.
This transcendental mushroom essence helps us to understand that male and female are not two forces that fight each other but two forces that complement each other. ‘’Male and female in balance’’ helps us reconcile and unify the masculine and feminine within and relate with purity and grace with the opposite sex.
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’male and female in balance’’ is a composition of the energies of almond resin, bismuth crystal and swan spirit.
Check this Transcendental Mushroom Essence here…
Centered expansion
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’centered expansion’’ aligns and stabilizes our spirit in all levels of our being (mind, heart, body, hara e.t.c.). This transcendental mushroom essence helps us to feel the essence of our spirit grounded and centered, to gain access to its grace and strength and start expanding the beauty of what we are with a centered and balanced way.
‘’Centered expansion’’ transcendental mushroom essence helps us learn that rather than absorbing and being affected by the energy of environment, people and different levels of matrix, our spirit has the capacity to expand itself and enrich with its essence all layers of existence.
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’centered expansion’’ is a composition of the energies of centered expansion mushroom, pyrite crystal and red tail black cockatoo spirit.
Check this Transcendental Mushroom Essence here…
Natural wellbeing
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’natural wellbeing’’ helps us to connect with the innate natural state of wellbeing that exists in the center of our being, which we had since we were kids. This transcendental mushroom essence helps us to free our innate natural childlike creativity and spontaneity and express it in a natural graceful way.
‘’Natural wellbeing’’ transcendental mushroom essence brings healing to experiences that led us to suppress the natural expression of creativity. This transcendental mushroom essence protects us from envy, jealousy and from rigid patterns of being imposed from the collective unconscious.
‘’Natural wellbeing’’ transcendental mushroom essence helps us to believe in our intuition, creativity and spontaneity, to strengthen it, to own it, have a healthy centered inner world and live through it with naturality, awareness and freedom.
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’natural wellbeing’’ is a composition of the energies of natural wellbeing mushroom, tiger eye crystal and kestrel spirit.
Check this Transcendental Mushroom Essence here…
Balanced boundaries
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’balanced boundaries’’ helps us to understand the physical and spiritual evolutionary rhythms of life, to find that peaceful stable inner space that doesn’t change and allow the rest to happen in the natural flow.
This transcendental mushroom essence brings also understanding about the spirits of nature, the spiritual space of other beings and people, their realms, their work and their way of being. ‘’Balanced boundaries’’ transcendental mushroom essence helps us establish a healthy relation with them, so we can respect each others world and support each other to move further in our evolution.
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’balanced boundaries’’ is a composition of the energies of balanced boundaries mushroom, mushroom coral and yellow tail cockatoo spirit.
Check this Transcendental Mushroom Essence here…
You can purchase the whole essences kit in a discount price here…
What are transcendental mushroom essences.
Transcendental mushroom essences are vibrational essences which hold the etheric blueprint, energetic information and spiritual qualities of mushrooms, birds and crystals.
Each one of them is a mixture from the etheric blueprint, energetic information and spiritual quality of a specific mushroom, bird and crystal.
They act as catalysts of inner balance and harmony. Have as main theme to help us bring in the light of consciousness and transform parts of the self that have been buried in the shadow of the unconscious, our inner pain body and the almost imperceptible way that they affect our way of being. To recognize and connect with the higher expressions of our being, to be able to balance our inner light and darkness, to transcend duality and crystallize our sense of self.
They have come to help us utilize in a good way these intense times of transition that we are going through and guide us in a deeper harmony and self realization.
For their preparation have not been used any organic parts of mushrooms or birds and have not been harmed in any way the mushrooms, the birds and any part of the ecological system. Their preparation happens with the conscious participation and channeling of the consciousness of mushrooms, birds and crystals and for this reason they are completely safe and have no side effects.
All the transcendental mushroom essences are completely natural and handmade. Have been created as a result of inner guidance, with love and pure intention from Omprakash (K. Jaupi).
Are Transcendental Mushroom Essences suitable for everyone?
Transcendental Mushroom Essences are absolutely safe and can be used by the whole family. They do not contain any organic ingredient from the mushrooms, birds and crystals, but only their vibration and for this reason Transcendental Mushroom Essences have no side effects.
How can I use Transcendental Mushroom Essences?
Transcendental Mushroom essences are very easy to use:
Step 1: dilution – put 9 drops of the concentrated essence into a 20 ml bottle and fill the remaining of the bottle with half brandy and half fresh spring water. This is called the treatment bottle.
Step 2: From this bottle put 4 drops 4 times a day (morning, noon, afternoon and evening) 1 drop on top of your head, 1 on your solar plexus and 1 on the top of each foot.
How many Transcendental Mushroom Essences can I use at the same time?
You can make a blend with up to 6 Transcendental Mushroom Essences in one bottle. use the treatment bottle of the Transcendental Mushroom essence until you finish it. 3-4 days after finishing your treatment you can continue with the same essence or move to another one.
Transcendental Mushroom essences can become a good combination with flower and butterfly spirit essences.
Learn more about Transcendental Mushroom Essences Here…
Wish you a beautiful connection with your true self and create a life that will be a reflection of who you really are!
With love,
Omprakash K.Jaupi