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Introduction to chakras and the human energy field

We have 7 main chakras and 21 smaller ones. Each of these vortices exchanges energy with the universal energy field. So when we talk about an opening feeling, it’s a matter of precision. All main chakras, smaller ones and acupuncture points, are openings of energy to flow in and out of the aura. We are like sponges in the sea of energy that is around us. Each major chakra is associated with specific psychological states, with an endocrine gland and a major neural complex.

The chakras absorb the universal or primordial energy (qi, orgone, prana, etc.), break it into components and then channel it along the energy rivers, called nadi, into the nervous system, the endocrine glands, and then in the blood to feed the body. It is important to open the chakras and increase our energy flow because the more energy we let flow, the healthier we are. The disease in the system is due to an imbalance of energy or to a hindrance to its flow. In other words, the lack of flow of the human energy system over time leads to illness. It also prevents our perceptions and reduces the intensity of our emotions, thus interfering in the smooth experience of a fulfilled life.

Hands Of Light – Barbara Ann Brennan

The positive impact of flower essences to our chakras and energy field.

Flower essences contain within them the energy of the flowers, which awaken within us certain positive qualities and feelings, connecting us with our deeper truth. This means that they interact directly with our aura and chakras by helping them function harmoniously.

For example, let’s take the flower essences vicia sp – belonging (which helps us to regain the sense of belonging, giving us the understanding that just like everything else that exists in life, we have our unique place in it), and asphodeline lutea – embracing naturality (which helps us build a healthy relationship with our body and sexuality, to recognize the pleasant aspects of earthly reality, and to participate actively in life with naturalness and freedom). Combined, these essences would bring harmony to the first chakra and lead to its smooth functioning. This chakra is related to the amount of natural energy and the will to live in the physical reality.

With the primordial instincts, with survival and vitality. When this center is closed or blocked, most of the natural vitality is blocked and the person does not make a strong impression on the physical world. It is not “here”, it avoids physical action, it has low energy and may be “sick”. He will lack physical strength.

So, with the appropriate flower essences we can balance our chakras and our aura.

Our chakras and aura are influenced by our perceptions and beliefs about ourselves, others and life, from the energy of the environment and the people we socialize with. The Diamond Age Flower Essences’ main purpose is to help us recognize our true natural self, connect with our qualities, gifts and talents, and to relate with people and life through our pure being. In this way they create harmony in our chakras and our aura, helping us to become more radiant and fulfilled.

At Diamond Age Essences we have carefully crafted a specific flower essence formula for each chakra, check them here.

7 Chakras Flower Essences Kit

This Flower Essences Kit includes the 7 following formulas of Diamond Age Essences which help us to heal and balance each of our chakra and the energy body that correspond to each of them:

* 1st Chakra Flower Essence:

This Diamond Age Essence heals, cleanses, balances and activates the first chakra, as well as the beliefs and ways of being related to this chakra. The ‘’1st Chakra’’ Diamond Age Essence is a combination of the following essences: “grounding” (papaver), “belonging” (vicia sp), “embracing naturality” (asphodeline lutea), “stabilization of our light” (bovista sp – white quartz crystal – swan spirit).

*2nd chakra Flower Essence:

This diamond age essence heals, cleanses, balances and activates the second chakra, as well as the beliefs and ways of being related to this chakra. The ‘’2nd Chakra’’ Diamond Age Essence is a combination of the following essences: “embracing naturality” (asphodeline lutea), “warm and genuine” (trifolium tomentosum), “yin – yang in harmony” (trifolium purpureum), “centering” (ophrys vernixia), “freeing creativity” (freeing creativity mushroom – tiger eye crystal – kestrel spirit).

*3rd Chakra Flower Essence:

This Diamond Age Essence heals, cleanses, balances and activates the third chakra, as well as the beliefs and ways of being related to this chakra. The ‘’3rd  chakra’’ Diamond Age Essence is a combination of the following essences: “inner strength” (sternbergia lutea), “peaceful power” (solanum elaegnifolium white), “softness” (linaria), “healthy boundaries” (vicia cracca), “true connection” (lathyrus annuus), “recognition” (colonvulus arvensis), “the way to freedom” (colias alfacariensis butterfly spirit).

*4th Chakra Flower Essence:

This Diamond Age Essence heals, cleanses, balances and activates the fourth chakra, as well as the beliefs and ways of being related to this chakra. The ‘’4th chakra’’ Diamond Age Essence is a combination of the following essences: “universal heart” (silene colorata), “trust” (alcea pallida), “unconditional love” (rose), “balancing the opposites” (orchis sancta), “hearts opening” (cornus mas), “harmonious living” (orchis papilionacea), “the healing love” (red lacewing butterfly spirit).

*5th Chakra Flower Essence:

This Diamond Age Essence heals, cleanses, balances and activates the fifth chakra, as well as the beliefs and ways of being related to this chakra. The ‘’5th chakra’’ Diamond Age Essence is a combination of the following essences: “self – expression” (solanum elaegnifolium), “awakened soul” (lupinus albus), “breakthrough” (trifolium grandiflorum), “I can do it” (anthyllis tetraphylla), “unique and equal” (mathiola tricuspidata), “shine your potential” (ophrys tenthredinifera).

*6th Chakra Flower Essence:

This Diamond Age Essence heals, cleanses, balances and activates the sixth chakra, as well as the beliefs and ways of being related to this chakra. The ‘’6th chakra’’ Diamond Age Essence is a combination of the following essences: “insight” (purple iris), “active observation” (nigella), “clear mind” (viola), “the right choice” (anthyllis vulneraria), “focused presence” (vicia canescens), “make it easy” (verbascum sinuatum), “portals of the universe” (Inachis io butterfly spirit).

*7th Chakra Flower Essence:

This Diamond Age Essence heals, cleanses, balances and activates the seventh chakra, as well as the beliefs and ways of being related to this chakra. The ‘’7th chakra’’ Diamond Age Essence is a combination of the following essences: “transition” (orchis italica), “aligning the lower with the higher” (White cabbage butterfly spirit), “tuning to grace” ( amanita vitadinii – pyrite – peregrine falcon spirit).  

Excerpt from the book Diamond Age Flower Essences – Embracing Our Inner Nature

with love,
