Finding Stability and Support: Exploring 7 Transcendental Mushroom Essences
The Importance of feeling Stability and Support
Feeling stability and feeling supported are two main needs that we all have. We are looking for a stable life, for stable financial security, stable relations or stable work. Of course we also need to feel supported, to feel that we have people around us which
care for us and support us.
The Constant Evolution of Life: Finding Stability Within Our Being
The truth is that if there is something that is constantly happening and is stable in life, this is change. Life is in a constant evolutionary process and this is the same for us. So how can we find stability and support in life?
Exploring Our Inherent Potential: Supporting Ourselves
Through the teachings that I received from the Transcendental Mushroom Essences that exist in the kit called “Stability And Support” I was shown that the real sense of stability can only come from within our being. There is this deep inner space within our being that is never touched or influenced from any circumstances.
This is the same also with the sense of support, we are the ones that can really support ourselves. After we start connecting with our true inner strength, we can start being aware of the support that we are receiving constantly from life itself.
Exploring the Transcendental Mushroom Essences for Stability and Support
Lets explore below the Transcendental Mushroom Essences which can help us connect deeper with our inherent potential and experience stability and support.
Zen zone
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’zen zone’’ helps us to recognize and appreciate correctly the state of neutrality. When we are neither in the light nor in the dark, when we feel our life monotonous, gray, tasteless and meaningless, this transcendental mushroom essence helps us to transcend all these emotions and enter into the field of zen.
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’zen zone’’ is a composition of the energies of neutrality mushroom, smoky quartz crystal and red tail hawk spirit.
Check this Transcendental Mushroom Essence here…
Kindness of spirit
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’kindness of spirit’’ helps us to feel the deep kindness of the spirit, to allow ourselves to exist within it and to feel the acceptance, the forgiveness and the profound support of the spirit.
This transcendental mushroom essence helps us to be released from our negative actions and karma, to cut off negative influences and negative connections in spiritual realms. ‘’Kindness of spirit’’ transcendental mushroom essence gives us a sense of support and connection with the ancient allies and keepers of sacred knowledge so we can move deeper in our spiritual path.
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’kindness of spirit’’ is a composition of the energies of inonotus laevis mushroom, snow flake obsidian crystal and peregrine falcon spirit.
Check this Transcendental Mushroom Essence here…
Stability in our path
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’stability in our path’’ brings protection from energies and situations that want to disorient us and move us away from our path. This transcendental mushroom essence helps us to stay firmly in our path and have a proper distinction as to what is really good for our evolution.
‘’Stability in our path’’ transcendental mushroom essence gives us the strength to let go of negative situations and people that keep us back and brings healing to the fear, the pain and the sadness of loss. This transcendental mushroom essence gives the understanding that the goodness and the abundance that we are seeking in our life exists in every right step that moves us deeper into our spiritual path.
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’stability in our path’’ is a composition of the energies of agaricus sp mushroom, goldstone crystal and red tail hawk spirit.
Check this Transcendental Mushroom Essence here…
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’Persistency’’ helps us find deeper reserves of strength, endurance, patience, perseverance and faith in order to move deeper in our path. This transcendental mushroom essence helps us to deal properly with our challenges and build strong foundations in each step.
‘’Persistency’’ transcendental mushroom essence releases us from frustration, boredom, carelessness, lack of will and strength to complete things and the tendency to operate without the responsibility of our actions.
This transcendental mushroom essence helps us to see things with more maturity, wisdom and patience. To understand that the quality of energy that we put in our actions will create the results that will come back to us.
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’Persistency’’ is a composition of the energies of inocybe rimosa mushroom, pyrite crystal and common buzzard spirit.
Check this Transcendental Mushroom Essence here…
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’sharpness’’ helps us to have a sharp focused awareness and presence.
This transcendental mushroom essence balances the mind, the mental body, the thought processes and helps us to transcend them and connect with the stable awareness of the pure presence of our being.
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’sharpness’’ is a composition of the energies of sharpness mushroom, sodalite crystal and peregrine falcon spirit.
Check this Transcendental Mushroom Essence here…
Opening the path
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’opening the path’’ connects us with the power of our own spirit to overcome obstacles and manifest its goals. This transcendental mushroom essence enables us to go through any difficulties and open our path.
‘’Opening the path’’ transcendental mushroom essence helps us to believe in the power of our own spirit and understand that when we are aligned with our true vision nothing can stop us, because the source that is guiding us is above all obstacles.
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’opening the path’’ is a composition of the energies of opening the path mushroom, fluorite crystal and red tail hawk spirit.
Check this Transcendental Mushroom Essence here…
Stable spiritual strength
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’stable spiritual strength’’ strengthens and stabilizes our spirit. This transcendental mushroom essence brings deep spiritual strength and support. Helps us to stabilize our light and our spiritual energy.
‘’Stable spiritual strength’’ transcendental mushroom essence brings healing to the situations of the past where we could not cultivate and manifest our power and helps us to take our power back and manifest it in our lives in a stable and balanced way.
The transcendental mushroom essence ‘’stable spiritual strength’’ is a composition of the energies of stable strength mushroom, yin & yang crystal and immature golden eagle spirit.
Check this Transcendental Mushroom Essence here…
What are transcendental mushroom essences.
Transcendental mushroom essences are vibrational essences which hold the etheric blueprint, energetic information and spiritual qualities of mushrooms, birds and crystals.
Each one of them is a mixture from the etheric blueprint, energetic information and spiritual quality of a specific mushroom, bird and crystal.
They act as catalysts of inner balance and harmony. Have as main theme to help us bring in the light of consciousness and transform parts of the self that have been buried in the shadow of the unconscious, our inner pain body and the almost imperceptible way that they affect our way of being. To recognize and connect with the higher expressions of our being, to be able to balance our inner light and darkness, to transcend duality and crystallize our sense of self.
They have come to help us utilize in a good way these intense times of transition that we are going through and guide us in a deeper harmony and self realization.
For their preparation have not been used any organic parts of mushrooms or birds and have not been harmed in any way the mushrooms, the birds and any part of the ecological system. Their preparation happens with the conscious participation and channeling of the consciousness of mushrooms, birds and crystals and for this reason they are completely safe and have no side effects.
All the transcendental mushroom essences are completely natural and handmade. Have been created as a result of inner guidance, with love and pure intention from Omprakash (K. Jaupi).
Are Transcendental Mushroom Essences suitable for everyone?
Transcendental Mushroom Essences are absolutely safe and can be used by the whole family. They do not contain any organic ingredient from the mushrooms, birds and crystals, but only their vibration and for this reason Transcendental Mushroom Essences have no side effects.
How can I use Transcendental Mushroom Essences?
Transcendental Mushroom essences are very easy to use:
Step 1: dilution – put 9 drops of the concentrated essence into a 20 ml bottle and fill the remaining of the bottle with half brandy and half fresh spring water. This is called the treatment bottle.
Step 2: From this bottle put 4 drops 4 times a day (morning, noon, afternoon and evening) 1 drop on top of your head, 1 on your solar plexus and 1 on the top of each foot.
How many Transcendental Mushroom Essences can I use at the same time?
You can make a blend with up to 6 Transcendental Mushroom Essences in one bottle. use the treatment bottle of the Transcendental Mushroom essence until you finish it. 3-4 days after finishing your treatment you can continue with the same essence or move to another one.
Transcendental Mushroom essences can become a good combination with flower and butterfly spirit essences.
Learn more about Transcendental Mushroom Essences Here…
I wish you to find the best way to connect with your inner stability and feel that constant support that is constantly flowing from your own being and life itself!
With love,
Omprakash K. Jaupi