Academy Modules

Module 1

In the first module of our training you will have an in-depth experiential understanding about when, how and in which circumstances you  can use Diamond Age Essences. You will learn also how to combine them with other therapeutic techniques. You will be able to help your family and friends suggesting the appropriate Diamond Age Essences for them.

The training has a meditative approach and we will be using different meditation, hypnosis, NLP, shamanic and energy healing techniques in order to deepen our journey.

In order to give professional sessions, you need to complete at least the second module.

Flower essences Course material:

Mushroom essences Course material:

Butterfly essences Course material:

Module 2

In order to attend this module, you need to have completed one of the first modules.

This module is the next step which will provide you the skills to work as a professional Diamond Age Essences practitioner. You will learn to facilitate professional sessions, recommend the appropriate  essences for your client and prepare their mixture essence. You will sharpen your awareness and will learn how to hold the appropriate energy space and guide your client into a healing process.

Upon completion of the second module, you will be able to give professional sessions with the Diamond Age Essences.

Course material

Module 3