

Om Prakash

Purify and Realign Retreat

 A 7-Day Sacred Journey to Inner Harmony

Join us on a profound retreat of self-discovery and purification in the beauty and purity of Amazones Eco Land – Mesotopos Lesvos nature.

“Purify and Realign” invites you to shed the layers that no longer serve you and reconnect with your true essence over the course of seven transformative days and nights.

Step into the sacred space of transformation and renewal. Reserve your place now for “Purify and Realign” and join us on a journey of profound self-discovery and inner harmony.

Embrace the opportunity to shed old patterns, embrace your true essence, and walk gracefully along the path of life. Spaces are limited, so secure your spot today and unlock the gateway to a more aligned and purposeful way of being.

Not feeling ready about the journey ahead? 

Embrace the unknown and surrender to the transformative process. With the support of Omprakash and the sacred space we co-create, you’ll find the courage to embrace the unexpected and journey towards wholeness.

Program Overview

Day 1-3

Purification and Self-Exploration

  • Connecting with your Tree Totem
  • Initiation to your Bird Totem
  • Brain Crystal Activation
  • Introduction to Purification Practices
  • Meditation and Self-Reflection
  • Sweat lodge

Day 4-5

Healing and Reconnection

  • Diamond Age Essences Experience
  • Brain Crystal Activations
  • Shamanic Journeying and Energy Healing
  • Deepening your Connection with Nature and your Bird Totem
  • Sweat lodge

Day 6-7

Integration and Closing Ceremony

  • Brain Crystal Activations
  • Integration Practices and Reflection
  • Realignment and Guidance for the Next Steps in Life
  • Sweat lodge

Daily Flow

07:30 – 08:45 Opening of the day and intention setting group ritual

09:00 – 10:00 Breakfast

10:30 – 11:30 Brain Crystal Activation group ritual

11:40 – 13:30 Introspection under your tree

13:30 – 15:00 Lunch

15:00 – 17:00 free time with your tree

17:30 – 19:30 sweat lodge

20:00 – 21:00 Dinner

21:15 – 22:15 introspection with your tree

  • the daily flow may change according the needs of the group.

What we will experience together

  • Connection and Initiation to your Tree Totem
    You will be connected with the energy of a specific tree which is aligned with the qualities of your spirit and will be initiated into its energies and gifts. This tree will be supporting you during your retreat.

  • Initiation to your Bird Totem
    You will be initiated to your bird totem, receive the feather of it and learn to work with its energy and bring more of the light of your spirit into your life.

  • Brain Crystal Activations
    You will receive 7 different brain crystal activations which will decode and activate the qualities, gifts and talents of your spirit and help you bring them into your life.
  • Holistic Purification

    Purify your body, mind, heart, and spirit through herbal teas, nourishing vegetarian meals and spiritual practices.

  • Reconnection with Self

    Journey inward through meditation, self-awareness practices, and shamanic journeying to uncover your authentic self and life purpose.

  • Healing and Realignment
    Experience the profound healing power of Diamond Age Essences, energy healing, and connection with nature to realign with your true vision and path in life.

  • Shadow Transformation
    You will be supported with vibrational essences, shamanic journeying and the energy of your tree to touch, heal and transform your inner shadow.

  • Sacred Ceremonial Space
    Enter your inner sacred ceremonial space and learn to listen to your true inner guidance.

  • Sweat lodge ceremony
    You will experience deep purification on all layers of your being and be reborn into the authentic you.
omprakash meditating with his back on a tree



Om Prakash

  • Price €630
  • Start Date September 27, 2024
  • End Date October 3, 2024
  • Duration 7 Days
  • Location Eresos - Lesvos, Greece
  • Max Students 10


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will i be able to participate normally in my daily activities after the Retreat?

    Our retreat is designed to help you purify yourself from anything the is blocking your inner and outer blossoming. After the retreat you will be full of clarity and ready to elevate your life at its best version.

  • In which area of life can i focus in the Purify and Realign Retreat?

    You can focus in any area of life in which you feel that you are not experiencing fulfilment and not really being who you really are. This might be family, intimate relations, career, friendships, spirituality, your connection with yourself or any other topic that might bother you. 

  • What is so unique about the Purify and Realign Retreat?

    In this retreat you will have the minimum interaction with other people and outer distractions. You will be in deep communion with nature which together with the support from the right herbal teas, nutrition and the sacred ceremonial space that we co-create, you can have the proper environment to be able to release from your being any impurities and get to be aligned with your true self and your authentic path in life.

  • Does this retreat focus on trauma healing and deconditioning?

    Trauma healing and deconditioning happens naturally through the Purify and Realign Retreat, because from the moment that you shed away everything that was imposed on you, the real you emerges and this changes everything.

  • What is going to change in my life after this retreat?

    The very first thing that is going to change is you! You are going to have great clarity and understanding about yourself and about your path in life. After that it depends on you what are you willing to change and what not to change in your life.

  • Who can participate in the Purify and Realign Retreat?

    This is an intensive retreat and requires a deep commitment to be able cut off from the rest of the world for 7 days and meet yourself and your life in a sincere and authentic way. You are welcome to join us regardless of your background and experience, but please come with a clear commitment to finish the retreat.

  • Is there any ongoing support after the Retreat?

    Yes after the Retreat you will receive specific meditations and guidance in order to nourish the inner work that you did and keep on manifesting your authentic self and vision in life. This retreat can remain with you as a compass for the rest of your life…because who you truly are has never changed and will never be changed by any experiences of life.



Omprakash giving manifesting the true you coaching session

About the Facilitator Om Prakash

Omprakash shares the experience and deep belief that every human being is a unique manifestation of existence that has within an amazing potential that is waiting to be manifested.He is the author of the book “Embracing Our Inner Nature” founder of the Diamond Age Essences, of the workshop “Manifesting The True You”, co-founder of the “Brain Crystal Activation” and meditation instructor.

He is trained in different massage modalities and in energy work such Reiki (Masters Teacher degree), shamanic energy healing and in NLP. He is a regular and founding member of the Greek Flower Essences Association. The approach of his work focuses on helping the individual to recognize his/her true essence and innate talents, to create a deep harmonization within and to live a life full of meaning, joy and fulfillment.

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