

Om Prakash

Brain Crystal Activations – 2nd Wave

The 2nd, 3rd and 4th Wave of Brain Crystal Activations were created by the guidance that came from the space of grace in order to help those who have received the first activations to deepen into their light, to fully activate their potential and to enter more consciously and gracefully to the new reality that Mother Earth is giving birth to in this time.

Keep in mind that many people who received the first activations may not need the deepening activations, because receiving one or more of the seven activations may be enough to cultivate and experience their pure light by themselves. Others may need support, benefit, or simply enjoy activating the deeper codes of light within their body-mind in a more guided way.

A prerequisite for participating to the 2nd Wave of Activations is that you have completed at least the first three of the seven initial brain crystal activation sessions, either live or via the online recordings.

What we will experience together

omprakash putting flower essences on a head of a woman

2nd Wave of the Brain Crystal Activations

In the 2nd wave of the Brain Crystal Activations you will receive 6 Activations:

  • 1st Activation

    In this session you will receive the first initiation into the first phase of the deepening process of the brain crystal activation. Here you will experience and remember your connection with the source. You will have the opportunity to remember your true light origin, to re-experience yourself as a ray of light of the source – as a drop of the universal consciousness.

    You will reconnect with your light guide which holds the blueprint of your true being, this blueprint will be activated into your being and you will have a conscious connection with it
    , allowing it to unfold and make your life an extension of your light. After that you will be given your unique space and light sphere into the realm of grace in order to continue your process of awakening and activating your true being.

    You will be introduced to the light heart of the earth and the reality of grace that our mother earth is giving birth at this time. This is the moment where you can understand that in order to live into this graceful reality of our mother earth you need to activate fully your pure being, embody it and live as it.

  • 2nd Activation

    In this session you will receive the activation of the light visual channel. This means that your unconscious and conscious mind, your center of perception and your nervous system will awaken to the knowledge and the experience of what is it like to see yourself, others and life itself through the eyes of your true being – the eyes of light, of pure awareness.

    As th
    is happens you will have the opportunity to have a clear point of reference and be aware at each moment of your life from which eyes do you perceive reality. Do you perceive reality from the eyes of your ego, personality, of some traumatized part of the self, of somebody else or from the eyes of your true being.

    You will have the opportunity to be aware of wh
    ich part of you has been occupying up until now your visual channel, clean any perspective that is not true to you and choose consciously to perceive reality through the eyes of your light.

    Seeing the reality through the eyes of your light means that you can perceive reality as it truly is in the now
    , make clearer decisions and live your life in a genuine way.

  • 3rd Activation

    In this session you will receive the activation of the light kinesthetic channel. This means that your unconscious and conscious mind, your center of perception and your nervous system will awaken to the knowledge and the experience of what is it like to feel yourself, others and life itself through your true being – your light body.

    As this happens you will have the opportunity to have a clear point of reference and be aware at each moment of your life from which space do you feel and filter reality. Do you feel reality from the filters of your ego, personality, of some traumatized part of the self, of somebody else or from the space of your true being. You will have the opportunity to be aware of which part of you has been occupying up until now your kinesthetic channel, clean any filters that are not true to you and choose consciously to feel reality through the space of your light.

    Feeling the reality
    through your light means that you can connect with reality as it truly is in the now, have a decent feeling of what is really happening and live your life in a genuine way.

  • 4th Activation

    In this session you will receive the activation of the light auditory channel. This means that your unconscious and conscious mind, your center of perception and your nervous system will awaken to the knowledge and the experience of what is it like to listen to yourself, others and life itself through your true being, as well have a clear perception of the voice of your light.

    As this happens you will have the opportunity to have a clear point of reference and be aware at each moment of your life from which voice you receive guidance in life. Do you receive guidance from the voice of your ego, personality, of some traumatized part of the self, of somebody else or from the voice of your true being. You will have the opportunity to be aware of which part of you has been occupying up until now your auditory channel, clean any voice that is not true to you and choose consciously to listen and follow the guidance of your light.

    The sound of your light will vibrate deeply into your chakras, nervous system, your cells and dna, bringing deep alignment and coherence with the song of the light heart of our mother earth.

    Listening to your light means that you can receive the clearest guidance possible, experience deep inner peace and walk an authentic path.

    5th Activation

    In this session all of your light senses will be integrated and connected to your light nervous system, to the neurosynapsis in the brain and to your body. All of your chakras and your energy channels will be further activated and all of your body – mind system will have an integrated experience of being a pure vehicle of the light being that you are.

    You will be connected to the light heart of our mother earth and the space of grace that she is giving birth, your system will be able to recognize, perceive, process and ultimately live into this space as a pure light being. This is a time where your whole being becomes aligned with your pure essence, the source of light, the light heart of the earth and the space of grace.

    A new way of being opens up and you can make the first steps into it. This is the moment where you make your first transition from homo sapiens to homo luminous.

  • 6th Activation

    In this session we are going to close and seal the first phase of the brain crystal activations. Up until now you have been in a process where you activated the functioning system of your light, your unique potential, gifts and qualities, the senses of your light, the neurosynapses, neurotransmitters and the nervous system of your light.

    You recognized yourself as a drop of the universal consciousness, established a conscious connection with the source of light, the light heart of our mother earth and the space of grace and made the decision to make your life a pure extension of your light.

    With these activations you created the foundation from where you can perceive, decode, recognize and live into the space of grace as the light being that you are in perfect connection and alignment with the source and the light heart of the earth.
    In this session we will seal the connection with these spaces and from now on it is up to you to keep these activations alive and live in this alignment. `


omprakash initiating with feather brain crystal activation



Om Prakash

  • Price €270
  • Start Date August 18, 2024
  • End Date January 20, 2024
  • Duration 3 Days
  • Location Eresos - Lesvos, Greece
  • Max Students 20


Frequently Asked Questions

All the answers, knowledge and information that exists on this site express my insights, which are based on my training, initiations, experiences and work with the dimensions of light. This is my truth and you do not have to accept it as the absolute truth, but you can use it as a vehicle to find yours.

All the truth and knowledge you are looking for is already within you, you just have to awaken it and experience it. Omprakash

  • What are the benefits of the 2nd Wave of the Brain Crystal Activations?

    More specific and subtle qualities of your light will be activated.

    • The vision of your light will be activated and you will learn how to see yourself, others and life through the eyes of light and to filter your reality through this spectrum of vision.

    • The body of the senses of your light will be activated and you will learn how to feel yourself, others and life through the body of light and filter your reality through this spectrum of senses.

    • The hearing of your light will be activated and you will learn how to recognize your true voice, how to listen to others and life through the ears of the light and how to filter your reality through this spectrum of hearing.

    • You will integrate the senses of light in your neurosynapses and in your neuromuscular system and you will learn to function through them in your daily life.

    • You will cleanse your being from energy parasites.

    • You will learn to be detached from the personality and the ego.

    • You will be transformed and freed from deeper layers of the pain body and the shadow self.

    • You will gain access to the original blueprint of your spiritual ray.

    • You will decode the way of being of your spirit.

    • You will upgrade your system so that it can consciously recognize the space of grace and live within it.

  • What will I get from the brain crystal activations and what changes will happen in my life?

    What you will receive from the brain crystal activations is the restoration of the connection with your true nature, with the source of light, the spiritual heart of mother earth and the space of grace.

    This does not mean that you will become successful or rich, but that you will be attuned to your authentic self and you will live your unique path and everything that it contains within it. You will align every area of ​​your life with your authentic nature and lay the foundations to live through the true archetypes of abundance, family, sacred male and female, relationships, etc.

    Your true self and your authentic path contains everything you need in order to live a life full of meaning, fulfillment and grace.

  • What are the light codes that we receive when we activate the brain crystal?

    You can imagine the codes as light frequencies which, depending on their frequency, can activate the corresponding inner state. There is the appropriate code of light that activates the brain crystal, the right code of light that activates the vision, the feeling and hearing of light, the proper code that connects all that was activated with our nervous system, with the external life, etc.

    For each quality of our light there is the appropriate code that activates it, connects it with the body-mind system and life. Codes operate in a field that is beyond the logical explanation of the mind, they operate through vibration and they speak to our being through the pulsation of truth.

  • When is the right time to start the brain crystal activations?

    The right time to start the brain crystal activations is when you feel the call. The best way to understand this is to connect with your heart, breathe a few times through your heart, and allow yourself to listen to it and follow it with trust. The mind will always seek to find an excuse to avoid everything that brings you closer to your true nature. Learn to listen to your heart!

  • Why the practice Brain Crystal Activations brings so immediate results?

    As we can already see, everything is evolving at a very fast pace. We see technology and science evolving over the last 20 years at a rate far exceeding previous discoveries. Some years ago in order to give a message to a relative who was in another city, you had to send him a letter, wait a few days for the letter to reach there and then your relative receives the message. Now we can make a phone call and even a video call and see each other, send an email etc.

    The same is true for spiritual evolution. A few years ago the spiritual seeker would have to travel many kilometers, wander, find an enlightened teacher, go through various tests in order to be accepted by the teacher and after years of practice he could experience the awakening and the truth. Nowadays everything is available at the touch of a button. You can go online and find any spiritual teacher you want. You can listen to his teachings, you are on one end of the world and the teacher on the other and you can have contact with him and also have the experience of truth.

    The activation of the brain crystal therefore offers us sophisticated tools that accelerate the process of spiritual awakening. The truth is that from the first moment we were born we were our true selves, we just were not aware of our true nature and we accepted all these programs.

    This moment that you read this text your true self is present, you just may not be consciously connected to it. By activating the brain crystal, the parasites are removed and you become aware of your true nature that is already present here and now.

  • Who should attend?

    The Brain Crystal Activations are available for everyone, because everyone has within the divine truth, which is patiently waiting to be recognised and experienced.

  • Why join?
    This workshop is your gateway to a harmonious, authentic, and enriched life…but it’s up to you to enter…

  • What about ongoing support after the Brain Crystal Activations?

    After the activations you will receive each activation recorded and will be given instruction to continue deepening the positive result of the activations. Of course Omprakash will be available to you for ongoing support, questions and sharings. In the right time and if you feel the calling, you can continue with the next waves of activations.

Omprakash giving manifesting the true you coaching session

About the Facilitator Om Prakash

Omprakash shares the experience and deep belief that every human being is a unique manifestation of existence that has within an amazing potential that is waiting to be manifested.He is the author of the book “Embracing Our Inner Nature” founder of the Diamond Age Essences, of the workshop “Manifesting The True You”, co-founder of the “Brain Crystal Activation” and meditation instructor.

He is trained in different massage modalities and in energy work such Reiki (Masters Teacher degree), shamanic energy healing and in NLP. He is a regular and founding member of the Greek Flower Essences Association. The approach of his work focuses on helping the individual to recognize his/her true essence and innate talents, to create a deep harmonization within and to live a life full of meaning, joy and fulfillment.

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