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Individual manifesting the true you session with omprakash

Individual Session With Omprakash – Manifesting The True You


In your “Manifesting The True You” one-on-one session we will explore your potential, connect with your qualities, talents and abilities and create an opportunity to overcome any difficulties that you are facing in your life.


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Individual Session With Omprakash – Manifesting The True You

In your “Manifesting The True You” one-on-one session we will explore your potential, connect with your qualities, talents and abilities and create an opportunity to overcome any difficulties that you are facing in your life.


In your Individual Session:

  • You will understand the root cause of the difficulties you are experiencing.
  • You will reconnect with your potential and innate qualities.
  • you will transform the difficulties and move on to a meaningful, joyful and conscious way of being!
  • You will become more self-aware.
  • You can receive a personalized flower essence mixture for you.
  • You will learn ways to deepen the positive effects of the session.

With what issues the individual session can help me with:

In the “Manifesting The True You” Individual session Omprakash K.Jaupi brings all his experience and can help you to effectively overcome issues related to:

  • Anxiety, stress and emotional well-being.
  • Empowerment, confidence and overcoming challenges.
  • Uncertainty, lack of direction and clarity.
  • Inner healing and post-traumatic stress.
  • Lack of joy and positivity.
  • Relationships and connection with self, life and other people.
  • Overcoming difficulties that stand in the way of your development.
  • Financial insecurity and abundance.
  • Spiritual evolution and self-awareness.

What happens in the session:

In the individual session you create together with Omprakash a safe and warm energetic atmosphere where you can leave behind all your worries, touch your innate potential and through there you can overcome any difficulty you are facing.

At the beginning of the session you have a gentle conversation where you explain to him to the extent you wish the issues that are bothering you. You will then gain clarity on the issue, set a direction, and then be led into a gentle and meaningful process of self-discovery where you begin to take back your power and overcome any struggle that you are dealing with.

  • The session can be happen online or in person.

  • Lasts 75 minutes.

  • Costs 80 euros.

What happens after the session:

After the session you will receive appropriate instructions on how you can deepen and bring the positive results you experienced into your daily life. If you wish, Omprakash K.Jaupi can create for you a personalized blend of flower essences to give you more support in your next steps (the flower essence is not included in the price of the session). You will also be able to contact Omprakash for any questions, clarifications and guidance you may need in the days after the session.

“I will be happy to meet you and create together an opportunity for maturity, evolution and awakening”!

Omprakash K.Jaupi

Made out of

Ενεργειακό σκεύασμα

27% Αλκοόλ

Άλλες Πληροφορίες

  • Μην το χρησιμοποιείτε εάν έχει σπάσει το στόμιο
  • Αποθηκεύεται κάτω των 25°C / 77°F
Ο Συνεταιρισμός μας δεσμεύεται να εκτελεί τις παραγγελίες το συντομότερο δυνατό.. Οι παραγγελίες φεύγουν από την πόρτα μας εντός 1-3 εργάσιμων ημερών και η παράδοση γίνεται εντός του χρονικού πλαισίου που ορίζει η εταιρεία ταχυμεταφορών. Δεν αποστέλλουμε προϊόντα τα Σαββατοκύριακα και τις αργίες.
Τα ιάματα μας είναι πολύ πρακτικά στην χρήση τους.
  • Ανθοϊαμα – 4 σταγόνες ή 1 σπρεί 4 φορές την ημέρα στην κορυφή του κεφαλιού.
  • Μανιταροϊαμα – 1 σταγόνα ή σπρεϊ στην κορυφή του κεφαλιού, 1 στο ηλιακό πλέγμα και 1 στην κορυφή του κάθε ποδιού.
  • Πεταλουδοϊαμα – 4 σταγόνες ή 1 σπρεί 4 φορές την ημέρα στον αυχένα

Individual Session With Omprakash – Manifesting The True You

In your “Manifesting The True You” one-on-one session we will explore your potential, connect with your qualities, talents and abilities and create an opportunity to overcome any difficulties that you are facing in your life.  

In your Individual Session:

  • You will understand the root cause of the difficulties you are experiencing.
  • You will reconnect with your potential and innate qualities.
  • you will transform the difficulties and move on to a meaningful, joyful and conscious way of being!
  • You will become more self-aware.
  • You can receive a personalized flower essence mixture for you.
  • You will learn ways to deepen the positive effects of the session.

With what issues the individual session can help me with:

In the “Manifesting The True You” Individual session Omprakash K.Jaupi brings all his experience and can help you to effectively overcome issues related to:

  • Anxiety, stress and emotional well-being.
  • Empowerment, confidence and overcoming challenges.
  • Uncertainty, lack of direction and clarity.
  • Inner healing and post-traumatic stress.
  • Lack of joy and positivity.
  • Relationships and connection with self, life and other people.
  • Overcoming difficulties that stand in the way of your development.
  • Financial insecurity and abundance.
  • Spiritual evolution and self-awareness.

What happens in the session:

In the individual session you create together with Omprakash a safe and warm energetic atmosphere where you can leave behind all your worries, touch your innate potential and through there you can overcome any difficulty you are facing. At the beginning of the session you have a gentle conversation where you explain to him to the extent you wish the issues that are bothering you. You will then gain clarity on the issue, set a direction, and then be led into a gentle and meaningful process of self-discovery where you begin to take back your power and overcome any struggle that you are dealing with.
  • The session can be happen online or in person.

  • Lasts 75 minutes.

  • Costs 80 euros.

What happens after the session:

After the session you will receive appropriate instructions on how you can deepen and bring the positive results you experienced into your daily life. If you wish, Omprakash K.Jaupi can create for you a personalized blend of flower essences to give you more support in your next steps (the flower essence is not included in the price of the session). You will also be able to contact Omprakash for any questions, clarifications and guidance you may need in the days after the session. “I will be happy to meet you and create together an opportunity for maturity, evolution and awakening”! Omprakash K.Jaupi

Φτιαγμένα από :

Ενεργειακό σκεύασμα

27% Αλκοόλ

Άλλες Πληροφορίες

  • Μην το χρησιμοποιείτε εάν έχει σπάσει το στόμιο
  • Αποθηκεύεται κάτω των 25°C / 77°F
Ο Συνεταιρισμός μας δεσμεύεται να εκτελεί τις παραγγελίες το συντομότερο δυνατό.. Οι παραγγελίες φεύγουν από την πόρτα μας εντός 1-3 εργάσιμων ημερών και η παράδοση γίνεται εντός του χρονικού πλαισίου που ορίζει η εταιρεία ταχυμεταφορών. Δεν αποστέλλουμε προϊόντα τα Σαββατοκύριακα και τις αργίες.
Τα ιάματα μας είναι πολύ πρακτικά στην χρήση τους.
  • Ανθοϊαμα – 4 σταγόνες ή 1 σπρεί 4 φορές την ημέρα στην κορυφή του κεφαλιού.
  • Μανιταροϊαμα – 1 σταγόνα ή σπρεϊ στην κορυφή του κεφαλιού, 1 στο ηλιακό πλέγμα και 1 στην κορυφή του κάθε ποδιού.
  • Πεταλουδοϊαμα – 4 σταγόνες ή 1 σπρεί 4 φορές την ημέρα στον αυχένα

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Τα ανθοϊάματα, μανιταροϊάματα και πεταλουδοϊάματα Diamond Age Essences είναι  ενεργειακά ιάματα υψηλής δόνησης, που ενεργοποιούνται από την ενέργεια των λουλουδιών, των μανιταριών και των πεταλούδων. Είναι η υποστηρικτική απάντηση της φύσης στις σύγχρονες ανάγκες και στην εξέλιξη της ανθρώπινης οικογένειας.

Δημιουργήθηκαν από το 2010 στην Ερεσό – Λέσβο, γενέτειρα του Θεόφραστου πατέρα της βοτανικής. Έχουν φτιαχτεί με αγνή πρόθεση, αγάπη και βαθιά επικοινωνία με τη φύση από τον Omprakash K. Jaupi.

Έχουν αγγίξει και ευθυγραμμίσει τον νου, τις καρδιές, το πνεύμα και τις ζωές πολλών όμορφων ψυχών σαν τη δική σου!