In this butterfly essences blog post category you will find useful articles and tips related with the properties of the Diamond Age Butterfly Essences. You will find in depth articles about the topics that these butterfly essences bring balance and the way that you can utilize them in your life.
Butterfly Spirt Essences act as catalysts of spiritual transformation and evolution. Their main healing purpose is to help us process with grace the spiritual transformation that we are going through, to release the old restrictive energetic skin, imprints and ways of being homo sapiens. To awaken our light bodies, to remember the light of our being, our light origin, our multidimensional self and to live on this earth as awakened light beings, as homo luminous!
“The Healing Love” Butterfly Spirit Essence awakens the healing capacity of our heart, a gentle and deep sense of love, acceptance and understanding.
This Butterfly Spirit Essence offers healing to the broken heart, the pain body, the injured aspects of the self and the way in which they engage in various karmic relationships.
The “The Healing Love” Butterfly Spirit Essence restores balance and harmony, brings deep peace, relief and understanding to our being and our relationships. It enables us to overcome some traumatic event and to open again in life through our loving heart.
Up until now there are 26 Butterfly Spirit Essences that have gone through the proving process and are already sharing their gifts with the human family. Through my connection with the spiritual realm of butterflies I was shown that there will be 64 Butterfly Spirit Essences in total that will be sharing their gifts with…