This butterfly spirit essences kit consists of 4 essences from the category awakening our highest potential of butterfly spirit essences.
The butterfly spirit essences that are included in this kit are:
Aligning the lower with the higher
White cabbage butterfly spirit
The butterfly spirit essence ‘’aligning the lower with the higher’’ aligns the human aspects of our being with their divine origin. This butterfly spirit essence activates the divine light into the lower aspects and tendencies of our being, helps them to remember their true nature, get aligned and merge with it and learn to live as the light that we are.
The butterfly spirit essence ‘’aligning the lower with the higher’’ is activated with the energy of white cabbage butterfly.
Ways of light
Aporia crataegi butterfly spirit
The butterfly spirit essence ‘’ways of light’’ awakens and helps us to understand and embrace the true values of our spirit and the way that the light that we are has come to be expressed in life. This butterfly spirit essence helps us to have a glimpse of how the societies of light live, to understand that our true being is made of light and to start bringing the ways of light into our life.
The butterfly spirit essence ‘’ways of light’’ is activated with the energy of aporia crataegi butterfly.
Portals of the universe
Inachis io butterfly spirit
The butterfly spirit essence ‘’portals of the universe awakens the multidimensional self, helps us to be free from the limited programs of the body – mind, the matrix and the realities that are imposed to it. This butterfly spirit essence helps us to understand that consciousness is not limited into the body – mind, space and time, but has limitless abilities. ‘’Portals of the universe’’ butterfly spirit essence brings a sense of space and peace into our being. This butterfly spirit essence facilitates safe dimensional traveling and provides access to the limitless space of possibilities.
The butterfly spirit essence ‘portals of the universe’’ is activated with the energy of inachis io butterfly.
Decoding our potential
Parnassius Apollo butterfly spirit
The butterfly spirit essence ‘’decoding our potential’’ helps us to decode the potential of our spirit, to understand, embrace and express in life our talents, gifts and abilities. This butterfly spirit essence helps us to understand that each difficulty or trauma that we had or have in our life is connected with a non activated gift of our spirit which we need to activate in order to bring harmony and fulfill our mission in the situation.
The butterfly spirit essence ‘’decoding our potential’’ is activated with the energy of parnassius Apollo butterfly.