This kit includes the 9 formulas of diamond age flower essences.
The 9 formulas of Diamond Age Flower Essences are mixtures of flower essences which address the main mental, emotional and spiritual issues which concern us in our daily lives, making in this way Diamond Age Flower Essences a precious and easy to use tool for our inner wellbeing.
Happiness & creativity
The diamond age flower essences formula happiness & creativity promotes joy, positivity and good mood. This diamond age flower essence helps us to be relieved from disappointment, negative mood and sadness. The diamond age flower essences formula happiness & creativity is especially useful in raising our morals, unleashing our creativity and connecting with the bright side of life.
This diamond age flower essence enables us to combine happiness and creativity in our lives. The diamond age flower essences formula happiness & creativity helps us to be open to life, to stay focused on joy, to manifest through it our creativity and to use our imagination to create more happiness in our lives. This diamond age flower essence brings the understanding that for a person who lives with an open heart full of joy and creativity everything is possible.
The diamond age flower essence formula happiness & creativity is a combination from the diamond age flower essences: carefree and responsible (asphodelus aestivus), joy and spontaneity (chrysanthemum coronarium), fresh mood (pyrus spinosa), the right choice (Anthyllis vulneraria), everything is possible (dianthus myrtinervius), hearts opening (cornus mas), insight (purple iris).
Happiness & creativity diamond age flower essence is particularly useful:
• When we feel that happiness has been lost from our lives.
• When we feel our creativity is being stagnant.
• When we feel frustration and sadness and are closed in ourselves.
• When we have negative mood and find it difficult to open to life.
• When we wait for happiness to come from the outside conditions.
• When we need to be creative towards different situations.
• When we feel that our lives have become monotonous.
• Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to deepen our inner happiness and creativity.
• How would I be if I were in tune with my inner happiness and creativity and opened up to life through these qualities?
• How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?
• In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?
I am connected with my inner happiness and creativity and open myself to life through these qualities. Others are positively influenced by my energy and mood. Life is bright and colorful.
Here & now
The diamond age flower essences formula here & now promotes clarity and focused presence in the here and now. This diamond age flower essence helps us to unburden ourselves from the chatter of the mind and its various tendencies that do not allow us to live in the present. The diamond age flower essences formula here & now is particularly useful for people that for various reasons tend to travel with their minds in the past or in the future and do not live life at the moment when it really happens, in the “here and now”.
This diamond age flower essence enables us to experience the inner silence and stillness of our inner being in the present. The diamond age flower essences formula here & now balances the mental energy field and helps us build a healthy, clean and sealed mental body. This diamond age flower essence helps us to see and process reality with clarity and perceive what really is happening at the moment, to be able to live and move in life with a clear perception of the present and free from the distortions of the mind.
The diamond age flower essences formula here & now is a combination from the flower essences active observation (nigella), clear mind (viola), focused presence (vicia canescens), inner voice (silene behen), detachment (trifolium campestre), just be (crocus), realizing beingness (ophrys attica).
Here & now diamond age flower essence is particularly useful:
• When we have difficulty understanding and coordinating ourselves with the flow of things in the here and now.
• When the ego is projecting its things and distorting reality and we find it difficult to connect with people and life with a clear and still mind.
• When our mind focus on what we lack and cannot enjoy what we have in the present moment.
• When our mind is affected by parasitic thoughts.
• When we are negatively affected by the inner chatter of the mind.
• When we have difficulty to face difficult situations with a focused presence.
• When we tend to travel with our mind in the past or in the future and loose the present.
• When we ignore the value and potential of living in the present and overestimate the influence of the past and the future.
• When we have the tendency to live in the fantasy world and cannot or do not want to be grounded in the present.
• Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to tune deeper with the here and now.
• How would I be if I lived in the here and now with clarity, clear perspective, focused presence and free from the interference of the ego, past and future?
• How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?
• In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?
I live in the here and now with clarity, clear perspective, focused presence and free from the interference of the ego, past and future. Others connect harmoniously with me and we all live our lives in the present with freshness and clarity. Life contains all its essence in the present.
Calmness & serenity
This diamond age flower essences formula promotes calmness and serenity. The diamond age flower essence ‘’calmness and serenity’’ helps us find an inner space of peace and harmony within us, to relax within ourselves, and to be relieved from stress, anxiety and nervousness. This diamond age flower essence is especially useful for people suffering from insomnia and who are affected by stressful situations.
‘’Calmness and serenity’’ diamond age flower essence enables us to be calm and peaceful no matter what conditions we face. This diamond age flower essence helps us to be able to deal with stressful situations in a balanced way. ‘’Calmness and serenity’’ diamond age flower essence supports us to have a stable center within us, to be full of confidence, kindness and sweetness towards ourselves and others. .
The calmness & serenity diamond age flower essence formula is a combination of flower essences: centering (ophrys vernixia), warm and genuine (trifolium tomentosum), detachment (trifolium campestre), trust (alcea pallida), harmonious living (orchis papilionacea), balancing the opposites (orchis sancta), just be (crocus).
Calmness & serenity diamond age flower essence is particularly useful:
• When we are affected by stress and anxiety.
• When we suffer from insomnia.
• When we feel insecure and anxious about our future.
• When we feel overwhelmed and find it difficult to relax.
• When we are anxious about dealing with a situation that concerns us.
• When we have an overactive mind and find it difficult to calm down.
• When we use stress, anxiety and over-thinking as a way to find solutions to our problems.
• When our mind isoverwhelmed with problems and we cannot calm down.
• Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to deepen our inner peace and serenity.
• How would I be if I were centered, calm, sereneand lived my life through this way of being?
• How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?
• In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?
I am centered, calm, serene, and I live my life through this way of being. Others are positively influenced by my tranquility. Life reflects my inner peace and serenity.
The diamond age flower essences formula ‘’rebalancing’’ promotes balance and stability. This diamond age flower essence helps us balance after a shock, trauma, unpleasant news, or a change that can happen in our lives. ‘’Rebalancing’’ diamond age flower essences formula supports us in rebalancing ourselves, find a new balance in a situation and continue our life with more stability.
This diamond age flower essence enables us to overcome any turmoil we may experience in our life with a grounded calm way and inner strength. The diamond age flower essences formula ‘’rebalancing’’ helps us to stay centered in our being, free ourselves from any negative influences, activities and responsibilities that do not belong to us. This diamond age flower essence helps us to create healthy boundaries, listen to our true needs and desires, and make a general reconstruction of ourselves.
The diamond age flower essence ‘’rebalancing’’ formula is a combination of the flower essences: centering (ophrys vernixia), being you (vicia lutea), straight at the point (vicia melanops), healthy boundaries (vicia cracca), giving grace (trigonella corniculata), clear intention (ophrys mesaritica), inner strength (sternbergia lutea).
‘’Rebalancing’’ diamond age flower essence is particularly useful:
• When we have experienced some kind of shock.
• When we have been negatively affected by a situation and lost our balance.
• When we need to rebalance ourselves.
• When we feel we have lost ourselves and our center.
• When we have made a change and need to stabilize ourselves.
• When we have gone through some process of internal healing and transformation.
• When we are upset.
• Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to do a general inner reconstruction.
• How would I be if I were balanced, connected to my inner strength, and centered in my true self?
• How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?
• In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?
I am balanced, connected to my inner strength, and centered on my true self. Others are receptive, supportive and give me my space. Life opens its arms and supports me.
Flow & positivity
The diamond age flower essences formula ‘’flow & positivity ‘’promotes trust, flow, and positivity in life. This diamond age flower essence helps us stop struggling with life, connect with its bright side and start flowing through it. The diamond age flower essences formula ‘’flow & positivity’’ is particularly useful for people who tend to do things the hard way and find it difficult to be in tune with the rhythms of life.
This diamond age flower essence enables us to coordinate our inner rhythms with the rhythms of life, to love ourselves and to open ourselves to a positive way of evolution. The diamond age flower essences formula ‘’flow & positivity’’ helps us to be in tune with positivity, to be optimistic, open to possibilities, and to move forward with trust and surrender in the arms of existence.
The diamond age flower essences formula ‘’flow & positivity’’ is a combination of the flower essences: harmonious living (orchis papilionacea), fow (ophrys schlechteriana), integrating positivity (orchis serapias), everything is possible (dianthus myrtinervius), trust (alcea pallida), juat do it (ophrys phryganae), surrender (lupinus angustifolius).
‘’Flow & positivity’’ diamond age flower essence is particularly useful:
• When we believe that something is of value if we achieve it the hard way.
• When we are in friction with life and do not move harmoniously with it.
• When we have stopped to believe in positivity and have lost contact with the bright side of life.
• When we have lost the trust in ourselves, life and existence.
• When we are stagnant and do not move towards new positive developments.
• When what we want is contrary to what life brings us and we cannot recognize the positivity and potential of what is offered to us.
• When we tend to complicate things.
• When we worry about the future and miss the opportunities for joy, positivity, and development offered to us in the present.
• Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to tune deeper with the positivity and flow of life.
• How would I be if I was moving in a harmonious way with the rhythms of life, in tune with its bright side, open to the possibilities and surrendered to the higher will of the divine?
• How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?
• In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?
I am in tune with the bright side of life, I walk in harmony with its rhythms, I am open to the possibilities and I am surrendered to the higher will of the divine. Others are inspired and illuminated by my positivity. Life reveals its obvious – hidden harmony.
Confidence & action
The diamond age flower essences formula ‘’confidence & action’’ promotes confidence, self-esteem and gives us the motivation to get into action. This diamond age flower essence helps us overcome insecurity, shame, personality weaknesses and procrastination. The diamond age flower essences formula ‘’confidence & action’’ is especially useful in situations where we need to get active, take action, and manifest our potential.
This diamond age flower essence enables us to tune in to our potential, to unify our energy, to stand firmly on our feet and on the power of our spirit. The diamond age flower essences formula ‘’confidence & action’’ helps us to feel confident about ourselves and to be able to take steps forward by consciously expressing ourselves. our abilities and gifts.
The diamond age flower essences formula ‘’confidence & action’’ is a combination of the flower essences: straight at the point (vicia melanops), shine your potential (ophrys tenthredinifera), just do it (ophrys phryganae), happy and rational (ophrys spruneri), I can do it (anthyllis tetraphylla), complete (onobrychis arenaria), infinite awareness (pancratium maritimum).
‘’Confidence & action’’ diamond age flower essence is particularly useful:
• When we feel weak and have given up trying to achieve something positive for our lives.
• When we have lost our confidence.
• When our personality weaknesses stand in the way of moving forward in our lives.
• When we are afraid of failure.
• When we are disorganized.
• When we constantly postpone various situations that need to be resolved.
• When we avoid dealing with things directly.
• When we hold ourselves back and do not manifest our full potential.
• Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to connect deeper with our potential and boost our confidence.
• How would I be if I was in tune with my potential, believing in myself, taking action, and expressing my talents and abilities with joy, maturity and awareness?
• How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?
• In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?
I am in tune with my potential, I believe in myself, I take action and express my gifts and abilities with joy, maturity and awareness. Others are active, confident and we all work together in harmony for our common good. Life fills me with strength, faith and hope.
The diamond age flower essences formula ‘’protection’’ promotes safety, protection and cleanses our energy field from negative influences. This diamond age flower essence helps us to seal our energy field and create a shield of light around our aura. The diamond age flower essences formula ‘’protection’’ can be used if we have already been affected by something negative or before we find ourselves in a situation where we would need protection (shopping, subway, travel, etc.).
This diamond age flower essence enables us to be aware, safe, and protected from negative energies, entities, and thoughts. The diamond age flower essences formula ‘’protection’’ helps us to be aware of our energy field and the energies approaching us, to have healthy boundaries and a focused presence, fairness and a clear sense of self. This diamond age flower essence helps us to stand in a white field of objectivity, detached from the negative tendencies of our personality which mirror and attract experiences with negative vibrations and emotions.
The diamond age flower essences formula ‘’protection’’ is a combination of the flower essences: focused presence (vicia canescens), straight at the point (vicia melanops), healthy boundaries (vicia cracca), being you (vicia lutea), clear path (robinia pseudoakakia), detachment (trifollium campestre), energy cleansing (medicago), higher ground (allium neapolitanum).
‘’Protection’’ diamond age flower essence is particularly useful:
• When we have experienced an energy attack.
• When we feel vulnerable and are easily influenced by the energy of other people or the environment.
• When we are in an environment with negative energy.
• When we travel.
• When we have to deal with a difficult issue.
• When we are in conflict with somebody.
• When we feel that we are surrounded by people with negative energy and negative intentions.
• Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to refine and better seal our energy field.
• How would I be if I felt safe, protected, in a bright, sealed and strong energy field and was more aware of where and with whom I connect?
• How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?
• In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?
I am safe, protected, in a bright, sealed and strong energy field and consciously choose where and with whom I connect. Others respect my space and we have healthy boundaries between us. Life cares for me and offers me security and protection.
Healthy relations
The diamond age flower essences formula ‘’healthy relations’’ promotes acceptance, understanding and harmonious relationships with ourselves and others. This diamond age flower essence helps us to let go of negative ways of thinking, beliefs, and behaviors that prevent us from having healthy relations. The diamond age flower essences formula ‘’healthy relations’’ is particularly useful when we have difficulty with being social and building equal balanced relationships.
This diamond age flower essence enables us to recognize our true essence, our true inner identity behind the various masks we have worn, to accept it and to be wholehearted in it. The diamond age flower essences formula ‘’healthy relations’’ helps us to accept the uniqueness and diversity of others, connect with others without selfishness, but with kindness, authenticity, warmth, gentleness and creativity.
The diamond age flower essences formula ‘’healthy relations’’ is a combination of the flower essences: unique and equal (mathiola tricuspidata), being you (vicia lutea), understanding (delphinium halteratum), detachment (trifolium campestre), warm and genuine (trifolium tomentosum), embracing creativity (ecballium elaterium), softness (linaria).
‘’Healthy relations’’ diamond age flower essence is particularly useful:
• When we find it difficult to present our true selves in the world and wear different masks in order to be liked and accepted.
• When we are afraid or find it difficult to coexist with someone different than us.
• When we are cold and distant with other people.
• When we are tough and steep.
• When we take things very personally.
• When we have the tendency to judge other people.
• When we are obsessed with changing others.
• When we find it difficult to trust, co-operate or co-exist with other people.
• When we are shy and find it difficult to open up and interact with other people.
• Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to nourish and deepen the healthy relationships we already have.
• How would I be if I were true, open, receptive, social, and had healthy relationships?
• How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?
• In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?
I am true, open, receptive, social and I build healthy relationships. Others feel accepted, safe and true in my presence and are open and receptive to me. Life shows me the beauty of its diversity.
Clarified decisions
The diamond age flower essences formula ‘’clarified decisions’’ promotes clarity, freshness and focused thinking. This diamond age flower essence helps us to be relievedfrom uncoordinated thoughts, indecision, daydreaming and to be able to make clear, conscious decisions. The diamond age flower essences formula ‘’clarified decisions’’ is particularly useful for focusing our mind in the morning, for busy people and for making better decisions.
This diamond age flower essence enables us to have clarity and crystal clear mind. The diamond age flower essences formula ‘’clarified decisions’’ helps us to see clearly and to understand where things are going. This diamond age flower essence helps us to be connected to our path. ‘’Clarified decisions’’ diamond age flower essence teaches us to be in harmony with our needs and desires, to be objective, free from phobias and to make conscious decisions that will allow us to go deeper into the path of our personal growth and well-being.
The diamond age flower essences formula ‘’clarified decisions’’ is a combination of the flower essences: active observation (nigella), clear mind (viola), the right choice (anthyllis vulneraria), clear path (robinia pseudoakakia), finding your path (silene vulgaris), stable steps (briza maxima), clear intention (ophrys mesaritica).
‘’Clarified decisions’’ diamond age flower essence is particularly useful:
• When we suffer from indecision.
• When we tend to consult others constantly and cannot make our own decisions.
• When we do not know what is the right path for us.
• When we are emotionally involved and not objective in our decisions.
• When our needs and our desires are not aligned.
• When we have to make serious decisions.
• When our mind is confused and lethargic.
• When we feel confused and out of direction.
• When we are in a dilemma.
• Or we can simply use this flower essence when we want to enhance our conscious decision-making ability and align ourselves more deeply with our path.
• How would I be if I were aligned with my path, had a clear and objective mind and made conscious decisions?
• How would I see myself, people, and life through this way of being?
• In what ways could I bring this way of being in my life?
I am aligned with my path, I have clear, objective mind and I make conscious decisions. Others respect and value my path, my opinion, and my decisions. Life aligns me deeper with my path and gives me clear signs about the direction I should take.